lets see your big air shots

yea i hate doubles and its so easy to hit jumps with a dirtbike cause their lighter to throw around..
simple, post your pic and tell us about the jump


85ft double, Parry Sound Amateur National, only one in Junior doing it, scared the sh*t out of me because i was straight up and down

Ok blasterfan, you seem to be on a pretty big high right now. So let me bring you back down. Ok, so you are ok on a 4 wheeler and you got the sportsman of the year award and you got some great sponsors, good job. Really, im not being smart about it. But for some of the post ive been seeing from you you think you are some pro or something. You are not. I was only a C rider when i raced, i was a B rider when i would register for practice. Good job, you cleared a 85ft double. It looks pretty rolled at the end though. Oh yea, 4 wheeler riders show no respect for how hard it is to ride a bike either, in fact it was you that first said that "dirtbikes are for people that cant throw a quad around". I dont care what you like, if you think whipping a bike around like james stewart does is pussy then you need to go die, really im serious.
I think both of you need to knock it off and quit cluttering up this thread. If you have a problem with someones post then send them a pm and discuss it in private
i tried bikes, they are fun for a while, but i love to throw the ass end of a quad into a corner as hard as i can and watch the roost fly, im sure it can be done on a dirtbike, but its fun as hell on a quad. i ran junior this year, probably something like C class for you guys, and pro-am, next yer im running intermediate(b class) and pro-am, i can keep up to a few of the pros, and 6 of the pros didnt hit that double, ill be honest i hit it out of fear of being landed on by the guy behind me, and i realized i didnt have enough speed so i pinned it right off it, thats why the nose was up.

it may look rolled but i saw 3 guy case it and none of the axles styed in one piece, one guy went to the hospital but he was ok, its some scary sh!t.

i took 1st in junior at the nationals and 5th in pro-am this year, im no pro, but with some practice and some help from my buddy who won the pro class, i might be able to move up to pro by the time im 17, idk. ill also have to see what kind of sponsorship i can hook up, money flows like water for the pro class.

and i never said its oussy, i just said its a lot easier than it is for a quad.

the only reason i switched in the first place was A. me and twist throttles are a bad combination. B. my dad said i could race if i switched over, this was on an L80 though
Well I wouldnt call it big air because the pic was right before the take off but it is also a big machine to get off the ground. I was coming out of a big mud hole.

i think its all in what you like and are comfterble with, im a quad guy because thats what ive rode sence i was like 7, but ive owned a bike (rm250) and i liked it but i just couldnt keep up with my buddys on there quads because i wasnt used to it, and the twist throttle messes me up bad. and it goas the other way to, ive seen a dirt bike guy climb on a quad for the first time and hit a turn bieng used to a bike and putting his foot out getting it ran over, he was older and been riding for over 20 yrs, so it all depends on what your used to i guess
I grew up on dirt bikes. I got my Blaster and I love it. Each of them take skill and muscle to ride in some conditions. I think atv`s are easier to ride in most conditions but much funner.