Is the 2-stroke coming back? The future of power?


Jun 4, 2017
Flushing Mi
Hey all... busy time for me at work. I haven't had much time for anything but.. I did run across this a couple weeks ago.

I looked a little around the forum for a similar post and didn't find anything since May so...

We know smokers are lighter and less complex but will fuel injection be able to create more tractable power? Ktm put this setup in an "Enduro" bike and reviews I've read on it are generally good.

Is this THE future of off-road?
Will we see direct injected thumpers?

I was using rechargeable lithium ion batteries and brushless motors in R/C cars over 12 years ago and that technology has covered almost EVERY corner of every market. From the drone explosion to cameras to cordless tools to personal rideable drones to mainstream toys, gadgets etc.

I saw an electric motorcycle run a VERY respectable time in a rhythm race on YouTube recently. The machine undoubtedly powered by a brushless(stepper) motor and lithium batteries. It appeared to be having traction issues. Not power. With software driven speed controllers the tuning possibilities are endless.
The lack of nearly any sound was, to me, a turnoff but maybe this is the future?

I'm not very well versed in the innovations made to the modern 250/450 engines. But the basics still apply. We've seen fuel injection for a while now. My '97 TL1000s had dellorto fuel injection(the first of its kind) ....God I miss that bike 70+ ft. Lbs @ 2400rpm, 10500rpm redline..hmmmmm...umm....sorry...
Fuel injection...yea...
Will direct injection be the next step?
they are still racing 2 stroke's here.
this was only 1 month ago:)
even ronnie mac lol
i have also seen them race those electric dirt bikes
on red bull straight rhythm
As much as I would love to see the 2 strokes back and the handicapped 4 pokes out I don't think we will see it raced competitively again in our time. They do hold 2 stroke events every year but more to keep the beautiful sound and smell alive. As you mentioned this is where it is at. I believe you will see a lot more electric motocross bikes in the future.

Brushless power is insane amounts of tourque, nevermond the hp. There is so much more coming on that end of the spectrum. Batteries are changing daily for the better. Easy timing changes, etc. Not to mention the noise and polution control that all the tree huggers love so much.
I agree, for around $800 you can buy an r/C car that will do over 100mph...this only limited by mainstream tire choices. Of course it's brushless powered. I would like to see another 500cc smoker quad with modern suspension and frame geometry.. I guess racers could always put playing cards smacking against the spokes of their electric bikes for that vroooomm.....
I agree, for around $800 you can buy an r/C car that will do over 100mph...this only limited by mainstream tire choices. Of course it's brushless powered. I would like to see another 500cc smoker quad with modern suspension and frame geometry.. I guess racers could always put playing cards smacking against the spokes of their electric bikes for that vroooomm.....
You can get a $300 rc car and do over a 100mph now a days. Man I used to love my rc's like my teeth. Brushed. lol But brushless power is where it is at. They have on board audio for rc's now so I am sure they will just incorporate on board audio if they felt the noise was a deal breaker. Then again the drive train will have some noise especially with such large brushless motor/motors. I would love to rip one around and see the difference.
I have nothing against brushless power. lol In fact I have been hooked since before teenager days on rc's and still play/race with them all the time. What I thought was fun back then is way more fast and fun today.


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And here is not as organized as yours dual.. I'm 5 kit builds in the hole. Monster beetle has a $600 box of vintage hop ups including a Thorp diff. At one point in the past I has 33 cars. I used to own a shop and track. Besides the Tmaxx(original), Blackfoot extreme and Ntc3 all were purchased within the last few years. I haven't messed with them in over a year. I have oodles of hop ups from engines and aluminum bits to install on all of them . I even got that Leo x last year and bought the hop ups from England.(I used to have a full option one 12 years ago)
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Very nice Banzai! I still have my original blackfoot, my rc10t and rc10lss that I have had since the late 80's when I first got into it. It seems we always spend more on hop ups than what we pay for the kit/vehicle itself. I love tinkering and building. I had to search leo x to see what you were talking about. Very nice. I have not seen or heard about very many of those. Im intrigued. lol