In love with another atv?

ken cunningham

New Member
Mar 21, 2012
Let me start off by saying this is in no way a diss to the blaster, if you think it is, reread the post.

My first avt i bought was a 2000 blaster and i thought it was the ulitimate beast. I had to be carefull to keep it from standing up on me doing turn arounds under full throttle. Fast forward a few months, i bought a tired 2007 outlaw 500 and spent more money on it fixing it that i paid for it. This atv is pretty dam good in my opinion, execpt it is a high maintanence machine. I had been riding the outlaw exclusively. I let whoever comes over ride the blaster just so i have someone to ride with.

Tonight i was outside sucking some beers down and decided to give it a whirl just for the heck of it. I was stuned as to how slow the pick up was, being used to riding a 500. However if the blaster had as good of shocks as the outlaw,(no im not spending 1500 buck to put works on there), i could still make laps in about the same time as the other larger atv. You have to admit that being able to scream between two trees that close together has advantage when the bigger one would hook a tire. My blaster willl allways be my first love<yea i know it sounds stupid, but>im in love with the power of the outlaw.

If i had to go all the way across the country from one shore to the other and had to choose one, i would choose the blaster, it is bullet proof. The outlaw makes me wonder when something is gonna break, its way to complex a machine to depend on.

Just to put a point of view to this, im closer to 50 than 40 and being able to sit down and ride thru sh*t that would buck your ass off the blaster has made me lazy. If you have second love, let us know, im looking to buy a automatic so i can ride my son and have a free hand to hold him, just in case. Just in case you are wondering, i go very slow when i am riding my son. I want to have fun with him, and this is one way i know that he will enjoy it as much as me. PS, i bought him a raptor, but he isnt allowed to ride it by himself, he is only 6. I cant wait till he gets bigger and can keep up with daddy!!!!!!!!!
I have ridden a few of my buddies machines. 400 EX, 450 R, Raptor 660, DS 650, LT 230 and they have amazing power. But I grew up on two strokes and love them. IMO there is no other. The Blaster is the first quad I have owned and I love it. All I hear from the guys I ride with is you should get this quad or that quad, but I truely love the Blaster.
I ride with my nine year old son. He got started when he turned seven. The throttle limiter was my best friend. As his skills grew I gave him more power. He started out on a LT 50 and is now on a Predator 90. He can ride the blaster but is still to small to reach the controls and is cautious of the power band. I enjoy riding with my kid and watching him grow as a rider. Get him all the safety gear and get him out there. The best times I have had have been riding with him.
i started out on a krapzuma 110 but after blowing it up very quickly my dad and I put an 86 honda atc 125 on it The hi and low range was fun to use on the trails and for wheelies. Then my dad bought an 86 suzuki lt230s with full exhaust. That quad always gave me an adrenaline rushw ith the power it had compared to the krapzuma but kick starting it out the side was a workout. Ive rode a blaster, raptor 350, warrior, bayou, and a grizzly. The next quad I get is either going to be a raptor 350, kfx or ltz400, or 400 ex.
Ever consider a side by side...than he can sit right next to you and maybe help stear every now and again. My little one is6 and he loves riding in that thing. Basically the only thing i will let him ride on his own is the kitty cat (snowmobile)'''... they grow up so fast,,, enjoy every moment, as I'm sure you do aswell as i...but consider a side by side they fun day good suspension. They are a little pricey though. But me myself.I'm on the blaster more than anything...
Yea, a side by side would be nice. I look on craigslist all the time, but the price is too high for me. Maybe ill get lucky and find a deal of a lifetime. We could have alot of fun together riding thru the woods.
I grew up on the atc family of threewheelers 200m then 200x the 250sx had a 350x then I bought a 250r, thats what totally chaged my mind. from then on its been 2 stroke all the way, i was always told they blow up easy and blah blah, but i soon realized who cares if it blows it cost way more to rebuild then a four stroke.
If your Blaster is low on pickup, you have some reading to do.
My Blaster is a bit of a cheater with a KTM motor, but my son's Blaster rips with the stock but modified motor.
Crude and slow as they come, but easily and cheaply modified faster.

id have to agree with the Polaris being crazy fast. i took my friends out for a spin the other day and that thing was crazy. i couldnt do too much as i did not have my helmet and didnt want to push it hard. unfortunately he is selling it.