How To Remove Your TORS (88-02 models)

I'm confused on what wires to splice together I got a 04 blaster brand new top end and brand new jug stock bore new boyseen power reeds a brand new aftermarket carb and a dmc alien full exhaust have stock pilot jet,280 main jet, stock needle position and 1.5 turns out on the air screw starts right up will rev in neutral but will bog and die when in gear and trying to go from a stop. It does it everytime I try to go it just dies
I'm confused on what wires to splice together I got a 04 blaster brand new top end and brand new jug stock bore new boyseen power reeds a brand new aftermarket carb and a dmc alien full exhaust have stock pilot jet,280 main jet, stock needle position and 1.5 turns out on the air screw starts right up will rev in neutral but will bog and die when in gear and trying to go from a stop. It does it everytime I try to go it just dies
I know this is an old post, but can you still use the idle screw on the tors system if it is deleted On an 01 blaster without buying a new idle screw and throttle cable etc..
I know this is an old post, but can you still use the idle screw on the tors system if it is deleted On an 01 blaster without buying a new idle screw and throttle cable etc..

if you only delete the electrical part of the throttle over ride system. yes
.meaning wires only
if you remove the top cover/tors brick then no:)
meaning if you get rid of the top part that the cable goes into you will need to tap a new idlle screw into the carb.
it would be this procedure
people get confused with the electrical part of it and the actuall removing the top cover off of carb:)
if you only delete the electrical part of the throttle over ride system. yes
.meaning wires only
if you remove the top cover/tors brick then no:)
meaning if you get rid of the top part that the cable goes into you will need to tap a new idlle screw into the carb.
it would be this procedure
people get confused with the electrical part of it and the actuall removing the top cover off of carb:)
Awesome. Thank you very much
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this DIY below is for TORS removal for model years 1988 - 2002 only
2003 - 2006 is here:

First things first. as well as myself are not responsible if you mess up yourself, your quad, or anyone/anything else. Im not a mechanic just someone that thinks he knows it all :) Do this at your own risk.

The TORS stands for Throttle Override System. The idea is that fuel flow to the carb will be shut off if the carb is stuck open. Then problem is it doesnt work and causes more problems than it is worth.

This is probably a 2 beer job. All you need is a philips screwdriver and something to cut wire with.

1. Remove your front plastic and unplug the TORS "brain". It is circled in red

View attachment 7720

2. This wire comes off of your carb and is part of your TORS. Disconnect it or cut it off at the carb, or both.
View attachment 7721

3. Next either cut this wire or take the 3 screw out of the top of the throttle box and take the switch out of the middle. Its only 4 screws so it should be easier to figure out. Once again circled in red
View attachment 7722

4. Disconnect the other end of the wire you just disconnected in picture 3.
View attachment 7723

I have 89 blaster with twist throttle it wont run with the tors unplugged

unplugged from where ? just the carb ?
you have to unplug the 3 wire box under the hood, located right above the 5 wire CDI box

I have it unplugged from the carb and under the front fender. I seen some people cut and crossed their wires should i do that? And i would like to buy the tors eliminater but shouldnt it still run with the wires unplugged im getting spark from the sparkplug still i know the tors is shot the idlescrew is stripped the bike ran great untill i messed with it then it would barely get out of neutral before it stopped running it had no throttle power i cant think of why it wont start reeds are good carb is clean. Thanks for the reply
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this DIY below is for TORS removal for model years 1988 - 2002 only
2003 - 2006 is here:

First things first. as well as myself are not responsible if you mess up yourself, your quad, or anyone/anything else. Im not a mechanic just someone that thinks he knows it all :) Do this at your own risk.

The TORS stands for Throttle Override System. The idea is that fuel flow to the carb will be shut off if the carb is stuck open. Then problem is it doesnt work and causes more problems than it is worth.

This is probably a 2 beer job. All you need is a philips screwdriver and something to cut wire with.

1. Remove your front plastic and unplug the TORS "brain". It is circled in red

View attachment 7720

2. This wire comes off of your carb and is part of your TORS. Disconnect it or cut it off at the carb, or both.
View attachment 7721

3. Next either cut this wire or take the 3 screw out of the top of the throttle box and take the switch out of the middle. Its only 4 screws so it should be easier to figure out. Once again circled in red
View attachment 7722

4. Disconnect the other end of the wire you just disconnected in picture 3.
View attachment 7723

I have a 1989 yamaha blaster with a twist throttle and from what ive heard the tors should have already been removed but it still there. recently i was trying to tune my bike so I decided to mess the idle screw on top of tors. i ended up stripping it and then it ran like crap it would high rev when started sometimes and right before it quit running on me i only had like 1/4 of my throttle power and could barely get out of neutral or switch gears just puting along. i want to get the tors elimination kit or just a whole new carb and throttle cable. anyways i unplugged the tors cable from the carb and from under the hood the one that ran to the thumb throttle was already unplugged. but it wont start plugged in or unplugged i see some people cut and cross there wires is that something i should try. from my understanding it should run with the tors cables unconnected. the plug is getting spark good compression solid reeds clean carb
I have a 1989 yamaha blaster with a twist throttle and from what ive heard the tors should have already been removed but it still there. recently i was trying to tune my bike so I decided to mess the idle screw on top of tors. i ended up stripping it and then it ran like crap it would high rev when started sometimes and right before it quit running on me i only had like 1/4 of my throttle power and could barely get out of neutral or switch gears just puting along. i want to get the tors elimination kit or just a whole new carb and throttle cable. anyways i unplugged the tors cable from the carb and from under the hood the one that ran to the thumb throttle was already unplugged. but it wont start plugged in or unplugged i see some people cut and cross there wires is that something i should try. from my understanding it should run with the tors cables unconnected. the plug is getting spark good compression solid reeds clean carb

unplug the 3 wire TORS box under the hood
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TORS stands for throttle override system. It is designed to shut off fuel flow if the carb gets stuck open. It can malfunction very easily wether it be from water or bad wires or whatever. When it malfunctions it thinks that the carb is stuck open and therefore is supposed to shut off the fuel flow by closing the slides. What holds the slides open is your idle setting which is why they can affect eachother. The reason It can affect your idle is because the TORS housing also is the idle housing. So if you cut the TORS wire it COULD change your idle a little bit. The TORS in my opinion is just a way of yamaha getting out of some lawsuits. Even though it doesnt work they can say they tried. If you have any more questions, fire away.
Can a bad TORS prevent the Blaster from even starting?
I have a ‘96
im wondering something. i was riding in the woods and all of a sudden. the blasty just dies. i was stuck in there for like 30 min. kicking the sh*t out of it. i turned the fuel off and within 15kicks she started. then when i started her up and she ran for a lil i turned the fuel back on and later she died again. is this tors malfunction??
My 1996 did this. Now it won’t start
hi this a old post i see
but i removed the tors on a blaster i just bought it had no spark or wierd spark
i figured out it was something with tors.. but now its even wierder i cant run kill switch and key, only one directly pluged into the cdi both work. but both connected no more spark... did i miss ssomething?
i had this on a other blaster last week but it had a cut down wire harnesss and had no key or killlswitch so i just pluged in killswitch on the blakc white cable on the cdi and it work (and black to ground)
but on thiss one its all there. so im confused why i cant run the killswich with llightswicht and key?
i tried looking at the wire sschema but alll i understood waas black is ground. and black wwhite is contact.... but i would like to run the kill switch and key like OEM.
when i plug then in at the cables it wont work only wwill work direct in to the cdi for the black andd white cable... so how do i make both switches work? (on my other blaster i tried spliting the black and white cable but that only made a mess with a killlswitch key dance that didnt work right....