How To Remove Your TORS (88-02 models)

TORS stands for throttle override system. It is designed to shut off fuel flow if the carb gets stuck open. It can malfunction very easily wether it be from water or bad wires or whatever. When it malfunctions it thinks that the carb is stuck open and therefore is supposed to shut off the fuel flow by closing the slides. What holds the slides open is your idle setting which is why they can affect eachother. The reason It can affect your idle is because the TORS housing also is the idle housing. So if you cut the TORS wire it COULD change your idle a little bit. The TORS in my opinion is just a way of yamaha getting out of some lawsuits. Even though it doesnt work they can say they tried. If you have any more questions, fire away.

I got 04 blaster yesterday and it wont idle but if u give it gas it will run but if u let go of the throttle it fies. would that have anything to do with the TORS?
The other day i was peeling my blaster and the throttle stuck wide open, i hit the kill switch nothing happend, i ended up stalling it to get it to shut off, would this have anything to do with my TORS?
Just get a twist throttle, gets rid of the tors assy' above the carb all together!! Thats what i did.
the previous owner removed my tors system but im wondering if its dirrectly related to a rev limiter? my 89 blaster with many engine mods seems to rev really high and the rev comes down slowly, sometimes it just doesnt come down, gota let off the clutch in first a bit to slow it down if im just sitting there. it does come down after slowing it by leting off the clutch in 1st but sometimes it revs like crazy. i dont want to blow anything, wheres the rev limiter and how do i adjust it?