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Oh yea that is definately understandable, and he was open about it, but Im confused as to why Our President has never willing provided a judge proof of where he was born and why would you surrender your citizenship so that you could have one for India?
Oh yea that is definately understandable, and he was open about it, but Im confused as to why Our President has never willing provided a judge proof of where he was born and why would you surrender your citizenship so that you could have one for India?

Oh yea, I forgot all about that. Assuming he was born in hawaii he natualized his citizenship to india which the indian government doesnt allow dual citizenship which means he gave up his american citizenship. Therefor when he changes citizenship back he is now a naturalized citizen and no longer a naturally born citizen.

I agree, you dont weigh in, you dont wrestle.
Last time I checked when I took the 8th grade constitution test you only had to be BORN in the US. After that it does not matter as far as getting citizenship to another country. And I dont know where you people get the "facts: that you state. Where is any proof that he had citizenship in India? The fact that so many people actually belive the stuff that magazines, newspapers and tabloids put out is crazy. I am sure that the US government would figgure out that somebody is not able to be our president way before he would even get nominated for it. Just my 2 cents and I wont be posting here again. All it is is drama.
Last time I checked when I took the 8th grade constitution test you only had to be BORN in the US. After that it does not matter as far as getting citizenship to another country. And I dont know where you people get the "facts: that you state. Where is any proof that he had citizenship in India? The fact that so many people actually belive the stuff that magazines, newspapers and tabloids put out is crazy. I am sure that the US government would figgure out that somebody is not able to be our president way before he would even get nominated for it. Just my 2 cents and I wont be posting here again. All it is is drama.

Obama went to school in india for several years

The school does not accept you unless you are a indian citizen

Indian government does now allow dual citizenship

Obama had to give up his US citizenship to go to school in india

Obama is no longer a Natural born citizen, he is a naturlized citizen.

Assuming he wasnt born in africa

Look it up.
I'm just looking stuff up so nobody start throwing sh*t my way. Here's an interesting read. Obama was never an Indonesian citizen.

Edit: An interesting point, it didn't happen but let's assume he did become an Indonesian citizen. At the time Indonesia did not allow for dual citizenship and wouldn't recognize his US citizenship as an Indonesian, however under US law he would still be seen as an American.

In other words, he would not have had to "give up" his citizenship according to US law in the first place, Indonesia just wouldn't recognize it. We don't abide by Indonesia's laws over here in the States, do we? When in doubt, Google.
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I'm just looking stuff up so nobody start throwing sh*t my way. Here's an interesting read. Obama was never an Indonesian citizen.

Edit: An interesting point, it didn't happen but let's assume he did become an Indonesian citizen. At the time Indonesia did not allow for dual citizenship and wouldn't recognize his US citizenship as an Indonesian, however under US law he would still be seen as an American.

In other words, he would not have had to "give up" his citizenship according to US law in the first place, Indonesia just wouldn't recognize it. We don't abide by Indonesia's laws over here in the States, do we? When in doubt, Google.

im goin to say again. he was born in africa
Obama went to school in india for several years

The school does not accept you unless you are a indian citizen

Indian government does now allow dual citizenship

Obama had to give up his US citizenship to go to school in india

Obama is no longer a Natural born citizen, he is a naturlized citizen.

Assuming he wasnt born in africa

Look it up.
does it really matter where he was born? bush was from texas, and a f*cking redneck drunk. seriously bro, give the guy a f*cking chance. he hasnt even been in for a week.
Yea. The united states military is impressive. I dare you to walk up to a marine punch him in the face. I bet when you get hit back you will think twice about punching him again.

^broken down so your lil democrat ass can understand what it is to be an american.

lil democrat ass? At least i'm not some white trash e-thug.

Punching me back would be one thing, piling his family and friends into an SUV loaded with C4 and blowing themselves up on my lawn is a completely different scenario.
now were back to africa, modz please close this thread, this chucklehead conspiracy theorist is just trying to get a rise out of everybody...

oh yeah also ive got a blaster and i believe this is a blaster forum, why dont YOU find a new forum, one that talks about banshee's dungball...
people are voting for change! but what most don't realize is that the change can be for the worse...

i don't know about any of you, but i paid $40 for a 20 round box of .260 remington this past fall, i thought $2 a round is horrible, but i only see it getting worse.... for people that don't think guns and religion are valid topics when it comes to politics, send me a pm.

I spent $1400 building an AR. sh*t is ridiculous. Although I did have allot of good parts in it. 6 months ago it would of been under a grand for sure. I just spent $170 on a 500rd box of .223 too. 9mm prices are up too. 6 months ago $16 for a 100box. Now $20. I'm well stocked now, so I am not going to shoot anymore, unless I have to. :(
Iraq is in fact a more stable/ safe place now, but the problem here is, do we do what Bush was gonna do and keep blowing millions of $$$ a day over there accomplishing nothing at this point! Or do what obama wants to try do and strengthen their government and military and get the hell out (saving us millions of $$$ a day eventally) Myself personally i will support Obama for the attempt! And not including, at one point, Bush and McPlain were talking about sending billions of $$$ over there to rebuild what was destroyed! why??? did the iraqi people attempt to mail us some cash for the towers? nope didnt thank so!!

I just realized spanky, i never did get an answer to this from your so smart ass! whats the deal???
I could go for one of those beers right now. I need to smash the empty bottle over these liberals heads, maybe wake them up a bit.

Its all good though, in a few months maybe years ill be able to say "i told ya so!"

yeah, you better just hit the wall beside ya buddy!
so this is where your money for the stimulus package go's!!!!

and this is in writing...

Total Cost of Stimulus Legislation: $825 billion
How does this compare?

- In 1993, the unemployment was virtually the same as the rate today (around 7%). Yet, President Clinton’s proposed stimulus legislation *only* contained $16 billion in spending

- The total cost of this one piece of legislation is almost as much as the annual discretionary budget for the entire federal government.

- This legislation nears a trillion dollars. President Reagan said the best way to understand a trillion dollars is to imagine a crisp, new stack of $1000 bills. If you had a stack four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion-dollar stack of $1000 bills would measure just over 63 miles high.

- In $20 bills, a trillion dollar stack would be 3150 miles high. That’s about the distance between DC and Trujillo, Peru.

President-elect Obama has said that his proposed stimulus legislation will create or save 3 million jobs. This means that this legislation will spend about $275,000 per job. The average household income in the U.S. is $42,000 a year.

- This bill provides enough spending to give every man, woman, and child in America $2,700.

- This bill will cost each and every household $6,700 in additional debt, paid for by our children and grandchildren.

- Although this legislation has been billed and described as a transportation and infrastructure investment package, but only three percent ($30 billion) of this package is for road and highway spending.

- Much of the funding within the proposed stimulus package will go to programs which already have large, unexpended balances. For example, the draft bill provides $1 billion for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), which already has $16 billion on hand. And, this year, Congress has plans to rescind $9 billion in highway funding that the states have not yet used.

- Deficit spending will not expand the economy. If that were true, then the current $1.2 trillion deficit -- the largest in history -- would already be rescuing the economy. $800 billion more will not change that.

- Trade groups state that every $1 billion in highway “stimulus” can be spent creating 34,779 new construction jobs. But Congress must first borrow that $1 billion out of the private sector. The private sector then loses or forgoes roughly the same number of jobs.

- Japan responded to a 1990 recession by passing 10 “stimulus” bills over 8 years (building the largest national debt in the industrialized world). Their economy remained stagnant and their per capita income went from the second highest in the world to the tenth highest.
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