Here we go again

Guys I have run into a snag. I know I get flogged for this bit after all you guys help I have to ask yalls opinions. I have got a guy who wants to strait trade meu blaster for a 2005 kfx 400. It's completely stock but runs like a scalded CAT. it's value is double my blaster... I love my blasty especially after all the work I have done to it, but I don't know that I can turn it down

there's gotta be a reason someone would offer that trade.
and i don't recall those being all that popular.
same reason ?
You were supposed to say NO DONT DO IT, or, YEA GOOD TRADE! haha. But seriously I have read the reviews online and everything I have read in online reviews is pretty good. I don't know for sure yet what im gonna do. I may make the trade and then buy another blasty to play With around tax time. We will see. I'm supposed to meet up with him this weekend so he can check out the blaster.
If you make the decision, just remember, your blasterforum brothers and sisters are here
You were supposed to say NO DONT DO IT, or, YEA GOOD TRADE! haha. But seriously I have read the reviews online and everything I have read in online reviews is pretty good. I don't know for sure yet what im gonna do. I may make the trade and then buy another blasty to play With around tax time. We will see. I'm supposed to meet up with him this weekend so he can check out the blaster.
Don't do
Another one bites the dust. :eek:.. <<< That aside, make sure you check it out good. rebuilds on a 400 let alone any 4 stroke in that matter are more expensive and much more involved..
It all boils down to 2 stroke v. 4 stroke, do you wish to ride a bike that will keep you on your toes, or ride a bike where you can lay back and let it all happen.

My choice is 2 stroke every time , it just ain't no fun if you ain't got to work for it!

Do you think that I may detest 4 strokes?
Well I ran home at lunch and put my front bumper, seat cover and new filter in. Went ahead and left the airbox lid off. Gonna read-jet tonight. You guys think a 250 jet will be close? I have no mods on motor except new uni filter and no lid
How could I forget the pictures!!!

Get that #220 out and get a #260 in there and plug chop! The Uni filter can call for 2 more jet sizes, and the lid off will need at least 2 more.
Well guys I passed up the kfx. Still got the blasty on the trailer and headed back home. The kfx wasn't quite what I hoped. It had no carburetor, all the plastics were off, it had dirt bike handle bars and there was brake fluid on EVERYTHING. Had a 400 ex exhaust on it. The plastics one was nasty orange paint and the other primer.i think I will just hold on to the blasty a while longer :p
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Well guys the blasty is gone. I had a trade I COULD NOT pass up. Dude traded me STRAIT ACROSS for a 2002 r1. All the bike needs is a battery and rear brake pads. He had stripped the plastics off to have them repainted but never did. This thing is STUPID. Starts right up and drives great. All I can say is he was very very upside down on the trade. The way the bike sits now it's worth $3000. My blaster isn't even worth a $1000. I warned him and he traded anyway *shrug*. Here's to hoping I don't die......did I mention this is my first street bike of any kind. I'll probably start a new post on the build. Now I've just got to start the search for another blaster :P
And thankyou to all the people that had helped me tons with this build. I learned so much from you guys. I'll still be on the forum to help others wherever I can. And @Awk08 I wanted to let you know that your brake system is what sealed the trade. That was his faveorite part of the whole bike!