

New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Lynnwood, WA
Alright so I'm trying to send yb some money for some a-arms and my extended swing arm. I sent him 120 for the a-arms but it was to the wrong person. The money went through and was even taken out on my brothers credit card. Keep in mind this is via PayPal. My brother has e-mailed him but no response yet. Does anyone know how we can get our money back??!!?!?!?
I did the samething bro, but I got lucky and the address didnt exist. I had the option to cancell the payment thought at my paypal account
Yeah I just now decided I'm not paying my brother back the $120 unless he tries EVERYTHING to get it beck because he's set on the fact that there is literally NOTHING he can do to get it back unless the guy decides to send the money back to us because we sent it as a gift. He's being f*cking retarded about this and it's pissing me off. I only have $460 left to finish my whole project and that includes paying for car insurance, gas, a-arms, and an extended swinger.
at the top of the paypal page there is a tab that says resolution center click on that and follow thru with a dispute......
Just tell your brother to go and sign on to his paypal account. Go down to the bottom of the page and click on contact us. Then there will be a list of options on the left side of the screen and got to disputes and claims.

Hope that helps you out bro.
They said there is nothing they can do to refund the money. Now my brother and I are just waiting on the guy we sent to an email to respond. Hopefully he won't be a douche and give our money back.
I found one replacement a-arm on eGay for 7.00 with 12.00 shipping. I'm just gonna buy that. Thanks anyways yb, I'll be sure to keep in touch about the swinger though.