Full Rebuild!

looks awesome i thought about orange an black when i painted mine but i decided with green im happy with it for now but the orange looks great good job
i was bored so i looked threw all 27 pages of this u intertaned me for a couple hours and love the build u have made me wana cleen up my bike and i wana kno how the spray paint holds up on the frame cus i dont have the money to pouder coat it hope u have fun with it!!!!
man, thats like 3 or 4 people that ive motivated to redo their blasty. thats awsome lol.

didnt get er started today. o well hopefully tomorow. i didnt attempt to start it so dont think she didnt want to start lol. its just i keep doing other little things. for some reason wiring the teather killswitch is being such a biotch. first get spark, then no spark then i change it up, spark half the time. i gota figure out whats goin on. i might have to solder some wires because the loose strands dont do well with the little connections on the switch.
hmm with tubes i dont think so. unless you drill a hole in the back side of it, and use a punch and a hammer to push the dent back out. then you got a hole, but if the holes not that visable and the dent looks alot better id do it.
you need to get it hot enough to get the metal movable. with 140PSI of air that should get ti done. just make sure that the end you block off, is air tight, and then also the end that you connect the air into, needs to be be nice and tight.
google yourself some trucknuts to replace those fuzzy dice in teh back to complete the job. its looking real good now that its all back together.
140psi sounds a little dangerous,
try 90 and see what happens, if nothing, go up a little in heat.
as far as getting it too hot, keep it on straight acetelyne, dont even turn the oxygen on, the oxygen is what makes it hotter.