^ hell ya nukka.
But seriously. i just did the 2 15 min idles with the fan and finished the second one off with rolling it down my driveway and givin er back into the garage. first of all, forgot brakes, but jesus christ im going to need them. i could already feel the difference in power. its TRUCKED. like honestly, my blaster felt slow as sh*t compared to it now. SUCH A DIFFERENCE. that thats just pullin up my driveway lol..... JESUS. i need atleast 1 brake though cuz ill own myself just doing the break in if i dont.
so i need either coreys hydro setup for no more than 150 shipped. or someones WORKING mechanical caliper. no cable, not even pads, just the caliper. cheap as i can get, but gota be working, no well it needs this and this for it to work but its perfect other than that. NO.