Found my old yfz!!!!


New Member
Aug 10, 2012
Hays, Kansas
:o :o :o Ok so I bought this YFZ for $1200 two years ago, sold it to a buyer for $3250 and I never thought I'd see it again. Lone behold just browsing around I can't believe my eyes when i find it back up for sale!!! --> And in terrible shape at that :/ Sucks to see it like this because it was an amazing quad when i sold it to the guy. An easy way I knew it was mine was because on the gas tank a friend and I cut stencils out and put stickers on saying "YAMR" "HAMR" lol one on each side of the tank.

It's so crazy to find this thing...thought about buying it back but they guy clearly didn't take care of it :(

Here's the old beast.....

CHECK'EM OUT 2002 BANSHEE, 2004 YAMAHA YFZ 450, PADDLE TIRES - Nex-Tech Classifieds
Listing is unavailable. Got any pics??

That is why I won't sell my nice quads and equipment. Too many people out there just don't care about maintaining their stuff.
This is why I always trade up! I'd take my TRX anyday over the YFZ I traded it for. I don't really miss it because I like the Honda better. But it does suck seeing so much hard work and custom one-off parts going down the drain. Every quad I build has something special and custom on it. I should start saving them haha.
He must have taken the listing off....I'll see if I can round up some pics of what it looked like before i sold it off. It's kind of a heartbreaker when you see people tear things up after you've invested in them....I honestly don't know how some people can ruin a good thing. It just blows my mind sometime!