FMF Gnarly Pipe

Re: fmf fatty pipe

Yes on air screw, lightly seat screw then open CCW. You young man have just learned part of the art of tuning, no two engines/set-ups are the same. You might need 1 3/4 turns 2nd clip, he might need 1 1/2 middle clip. You have to figure out what YOUR motor wants.

On another note I'm "cooking" a pipe right now, that electrolisis method works awsome. Hoping it will take all paint too. Been in about 24 hrs, might make new batch little stronger.
Re: fmf fatty pipe

Yes on air screw, lightly seat screw then open CCW. You young man have just learned part of the art of tuning, no two engines/set-ups are the same. You might need 1 3/4 turns 2nd clip, he might need 1 1/2 middle clip. You have to figure out what YOUR motor wants.

On another note I'm "cooking" a pipe right now, that electrolisis method works awsome. Hoping it will take all paint too. Been in about 24 hrs, might make new batch little stronger.

yupp i know how tuning is, and such..... ive tuned a bunch of engines! just not one this big. or big of carb. only on R/C cars, weedwackers.... etc. and thats awesome! i only "cooked" it for about 4 hrs cause i only hads one batter to work with.. but i also moved the peice of metal around the pipe to get certain sopd off, and for me, it also did take the paint off after i scrubbed it with a brush in my bath tub. just make sure that when u r doing it, its as close to the sopt u want to take rust off of, but not touching it, and it should be bubbling and u should see the rust lift off and the water moving in that spot.
Re: fmf fatty pipe

Good news!!! No leak! Well there is, but from the engine head to the exhaust flange. I have to get a gasket or make one. It's just the only thing is, I can't get a good Plug chop. Eaither the if is a light black, or nothin really. I had to do the run 2 times to get something I the plug. I'll post pics probs tonight. It guns great threw all the gears, and there's no bog or anything. I am running the 320 main with 2nd needle clip, and a little more than 1/2 way out on the airscrew. I got a little ring, but nothing like the "perfect" plug. What do u guys think. It has good power and everything, and dosent smelll
Re: fmf fatty pipe


heres the pics.... the first 2 plugs are with 3/4 air, 2nd clip, and 310 main
3rd plug was 320, 3/4 air, and 2nd clip,
4th was 320, 1/2 air, and 2nd clip
Re: fmf fatty pipe

Holyshit bro tht isn't a toomey tht is a fmf knobby pipe the rarest pipe ever besides the CPI and the psi pipe bro look at the bend in the back I am 100% positive I am right I can show u another pic soon I am positive tht is a fmf knobby pipe POSITIVE!!!!!!!
Re: fmf fatty pipe

There was a guy tht had one b4 theese are extremely rare tht is a fmf knobby pipe the bend in the back proves it
Re: fmf fatty pipe

were they all WOT? the one furthest to the right looks the richest. you're pretty close on the jet by that one if that was one pull
Re: fmf fatty pipe

Dude tht is a banshee right side header in the pic tht isn't a blaster pipe bro and like tht other link tht was a dirtbike pipe like it says the product may vary from above image tht is a banshee pipe in tht link tht is a fmf gnarly pipe look at my link