First race ever!!!

Hard luck lad, I just know how much you have been waiting for it.

Remember there is always a good reason why things don't happen as planned, the time might not have been right.

Look on the bright side when it comes to practice in NY, one hour is better than stuff all.

Owing to an accident I had I have not been able to take my boy riding for the last three months.

ouch! yea well it happends..... n othin i can do now.

I will hopefully be practicing in AK Farms too, when are you going?

this weekend. ill hopefully be there all day! ima be with a friend tho.
Today turned out GREAT! i had an awesome time! the quad held up good (other than chain and pipe) and everything worked great!










awesome, looks like a good time, and definately good practice !!!
what happened with chain and pipe ????
well.... i was the ONLY 2 stroke!!!!, and i passed some 450's and they passed me. but the track was so beated to hell, i couldent go as fast as i wanted to, cause holding onto the bars became impossibe, and i also got mad bad arm pump. if the track wasent as bad, and i had better front suspension, i would keep up fine!
they both fell off! lol i fixxed the pipe, and i have to check the case to make sure it dident crack it. ritew off the start, right befor i hit a jump, it poped off and got all locked up. thought i blew the top end! most of the pics are from the last moto, inwich is when the chain came off. so i dident take the jumps big or anything.
how was the track?

it was an awsome track, but there was about 300 dirtbnikes alone, and they tear everything up. and there was no track maintance. butit is also the first year there open to ama, and their first time open for the season.. overall there were about 100 quads and 300 bikes. a lot of ppl.
u can imagine how bad the track was with all those ppl from 10am-6pm..... it was BAD! but fun and challenging

Crazy u was the only smoker there

yupp besides the 2 stroke bikes and the litttle nitro quads. i got made fun of so bad for that reason. than after the first lap, i just gased it, gave it everything, and was kepping up aND riding good. ppl were impressed! lol than was the other factor that i was 15 and everyone else was like 20+ ahaha.