First race ever!!!

when ur in the air with ur front end up stright up in the air saying "OHHH sh*t", u learn really fast! lol the finish jump at AK i did that, and cranked my neck pretty bad. than the 2nd lap i cleared the whole thing lol
it was funny tho, cause i looked back after i landed, and the track offical was like "thank god!" lol scarry look on his face :p

scared the hell out of me! but id dident count, because i never fell I:I
when ur in the air with ur front end up stright up in the air saying "OHHH sh*t", u learn really fast! lol the finish jump at AK i did that, and cranked my neck pretty bad. than the 2nd lap i cleared the whole thing lol

Are you aware of the proceedure of altering the attitude of the bike in flight?

Like I mean getting the nose down, so you can make a safer landing.
Ha! Considering this thread has been going on since like Feburary, sounds like no one cares anymore. Lol Owell I kinda expected that. Anyway, thanks for all the advice and everything that you ppl gave to me! It helps a lot! So thanks! :D I:I