Practice went awesome!!!! best one yet!!!!! bike dident break down, and i was flying! i lapped a couple ppl, did my first doubles, learned whoops, learned to pitch the quad in air, and had some insane fast lap times!!!!!! the track offical who was helping get around said that he was insanely impressed with my riding. he wants me to come back for the race next weekend. which i was already planning on. i got to practice holeshots too. the bike held up awesome! nothing went wrong! and i got to adjust my rear shock. i love the setup now! its perfect! the only thing i have to do is tighten my chain. its new, so that is expected. i had one really close call with some kid who kept taking up the whole track, and wouldent let any one pass, but it was all good, no one got hurt. and no crash. but HELL it was freaking CLOSE! all in all i had an amazing time, and cant wait to get back. IMO it was the nicest place too. better than Atco and AK. staff was very friendly. little dissopointed that Yamaha couldent go, cause as usual, i was the only 2 stroke. owell the 4 poker ate my dirt! and smoke! the last moto, i had the entire track to my self for like 20mins instead of the regular 10. lol no onne lined up with me or after me, so it was awesome! pics and a vid soon to come!