First race ever!!!

Well race is off. My mom dosent want to drive 3.5 hrs in the rain. Instead I am going to a practice on Saturday in NY. AK Farms.and it's still gonna rain. And know my mom, a full day practice will be 1hr and than a 1.5hr drive back home. All this planning and prep and all this sh!t on getting Rdy for a first race for nothing. Now I won't be able to ride again until may 5-6 hopefully with yamaha28. Who knows what's gonna happen tho. Thanks again for all the tips! Ima try all them! As for as long this dosent get canceled too.
Hard luck lad, I just know how much you have been waiting for it.

Remember there is always a good reason why things don't happen as planned, the time might not have been right.

Look on the bright side when it comes to practice in NY, one hour is better than stuff all.

Owing to an accident I had I have not been able to take my boy riding for the last three months.