i can't beleive i read all of this... well... 10 pages at least...
Well, probably going to say something thats pretty obvious... racing is hard on your bike. Down here theres a lot of crazy racing... We have an atv salvage yard.... hudge... Its amazing some of the stuff you see there. I'd say you may need to reinforce your frame. If your running amuminum wheels, there is not much give as carbon fiber might have, so all that force is going to go on your bike. I'd also recommend getting some beadlocks, hate to have a tire come off the bead in some rutted berm. Theres a lot of things that i would need to race a blaster lol. To me, the blaster is a pain to keep up with the 4-strokes. It really.. wears me out. And if you dont hit the powerband and keep high rpms right before a jump or a donut, your going to look ridiculous. (trust me.. i know) And the stock suspension on the blaster is pretty rough to. Versus my old 300ex, the blaster would be a pinto, and the 300 would be a caddy. I don't know what all mods are done to your blaster, so, just throwing out my 2 cents. There are also all kinds of steering stabilizers, holeshot lowering devices, little nifty things like that you might could look in to... so.. yeah, good luck with that.