First race ever!!!


so i was cleaning out the garage today, and the entire house!!! and i also worked on my bike a little just checking the tire pressure, oil, etc, and cleaning the engine and shocks and such. as i was doing this i was just thinking- i rember when i was like 5 or so all the way to like 12 riding quads, and watching the ama on speed and just wishing to be able to do that stuff they did. it got me so upsesed, and wanting to do it so bad! and playing atv off road fury 24/7 buying ye old fmf pipes and upgrading my quad everytime i got points and such. i beat evey game like 10 times, and still played for hours cause it was fun and i just wanting to do it so bad! i used to bug my mom a lot to allow me to race with my first quad i had (1986 yamaha 80 moto 4) and she would never let me cause it was to rough and she dident want me to get hurt! lol. and now just looking at my quad, the one that i bought with my own money, and the auctual fmf pipe that i bought too, makes me think about how far ive come, and how impossible it was at the time, to what is beyond possible now. what was a dream that never had potiential is now a reality. just with my parents being devorced my whole life, and never seeing my parents together, and always fighting, there were always money issues, at times, and not having nothing but rice for dinner, and constant edviction notices on our door, kinda dident look like having a good future is in our eyes. the people ive meet in my life and look up to, and always there, who act like more than just a person, but like a dad to me kinda show that there is alwyas potiential in anyone. so this race is just kinda more than just a race, but rather i dream i had all my life unfolding. so in a way, just being there with a quad in the back of my car is beyond what i would ever of asked far. i dont mean any sympathy for anything, but idk just waht i was thinking while i was doing this lol. just my .02.
Dang sucks u can't get them works that would help if u buy a set of banshee works I would get them revalved cause there not stiff but coming into turns they kinda push hard to explain