OK well this past weekend I did some test fits with the arms and swing arm. Made sure anything that needed fabbed up is before I go and powder coat the frame. Was supposed to go ride at a place called powerline park for an ATV only day this past Saturday. But I tweaked my back golfing friday and could barely move, get out of bed anything. So since I didnt ride, I tore it down to the frame.

Left the motor for my brother to tear out since I couldn't lift anything. Went and picked up a 400ex shock today from a local guy. Got them and my works in a box that are headed out to Jacaga in the morning. Cylinder and head were shipped to Ken yesterday for P&P, head mod and bore. Today I bought extended speedlines brake lines for the front and back, brake line clamps, 400ex bushings, and case saver.

Left the motor for my brother to tear out since I couldn't lift anything. Went and picked up a 400ex shock today from a local guy. Got them and my works in a box that are headed out to Jacaga in the morning. Cylinder and head were shipped to Ken yesterday for P&P, head mod and bore. Today I bought extended speedlines brake lines for the front and back, brake line clamps, 400ex bushings, and case saver.