father trouble

we have a nice house and nice sh*t, hes not a loser loser, but its just a disappointment. and my stepdad was a crack head who stole peoples identitys and he had a porshue but he was still a loser
and my dad talks alot of sh*t about my mom when shes not home and it just pisses me off so bad.

so you are mad at the problems between your parents, i knew it had to be more than weed. sounds like you got some issues kid, i think if you feel so strongly about it talk to your parents in a respectful way. i can tell you if you call your dad a pothead loser the conversation wont go so well.
sounds like your stepdad is more of a loser imo..
a normal "pothead" is not mean they normally are relaxed and calm.. unless you eat all the food..

+1 for relaxed and calm
haven't you ever watched pot head movies? like Cheech and Chong? they're always relaxed
I agree smoking some buds will make you calm and chill if you smoke enough you will just fall asleep.

Maybe he is into more than weed. It sound like an alcohol or a cocain problem meaning the being an ahole part
Bud wont make you bi polar. He might smoke because he is bi polar. It wont hurt to try to talk to him. Idk if you have ever smoked before but weed is not as bad as some people make it seem.