f*ckin bullshit

time for bigger better things by the weekend ill have some pics of my new quad with a title lol.

How much to get it back? Seriously, on principality alone, sell it for that much. Don't let them keep it. Say it's $500, sell it for $500 and go pick it up that day and write a bill of sale to new owner and let them haul it away. Do NOT let the impound keep it. That's like fighting a 10 round boxing match only to have your corner throw in the towel 3 seconds before the decision bell.

Never give up without a fight!

Hell, if the price is right, I'll come pick it up. lol
hahaha, there are a lot of little jackass kids on this site. all of you need to grow up and mind ur damn elders, if a cop messes with you, you did something wrong. own up to it, ok in ur situation u got the shaft but these little teens that have the throw their .02 in is ridiculous, those are the ones that haven't been around long enough. it sux it happened, learn from the mistakes u made...i know i have had plenty of run ins with po po and there are some good and some bad.
This is not as big of a deal as you guys think it is. Go to the DMV say that you got your bike impounded and you need the proper paper work to get a title and register it so you can get it out. Fill the paperwork out, and be done. Then go to the impound yard and get it back. Dont just let it sit there forever collecting fees.
On the point that all this kids are saying that the cops messed with him for no reason or they "always" mess with people for no reason that statement is 100% false. Now, being in LE I have gone on at least 50 ride alongs with multiple departments with many different officers. Every time we made a traffic stop, walking stop or any other self initiated contact with a person (not a call or service) there has been a good reason to stop them. Does not matter if the reason is big or small weather it be a traffic stop for a headlight or walking stop because the person cant walk straight, there is always a good reason for the stop. You have to have it to make the stop. Its called probable cause. If you dont have it you cant make the stop. If you have bad PC for a stop it will get throw out of court in no time. Officers ALWAYS make sure to have good PC before they stop a person or a vehicle.

Now on to your problem. If was was driving around and right in front of me happened to be a quad where it was not supposed to be I would stop it. Every single time, if I have time to stop it I will. I don't care if its a 16 year old kid or a 30 year old man. I am going to stop and see what they are doing and make sure everything is on the up and up. If its not I am going to do something about it.

With that being said, I have also had many times when driving around and I see some kid wrenching on his bike in his driveway. He is not doing anything wrong so why go over there and jam him up? No reason to at all. I have never seen anybody get jammed up for 'nothing." Every single time we have stopped somebody doing "nothing" 90% of the time they are doing something.

Bottom line, if you dont want the attention the the cops, dont do things that will get their attention. I am 23 years old and yes have been pulled over a bunch of times for legitimate reason. Each time I have owned up to it and guess what, had no further problems. I do not understand the people who say "the cops always single me out and get me in trouble" obvioulsy you are doing something to catch their attention.

Quick lesson for all, if you dont want to get in trouble, dont do things that make it look like you are making trouble. Say down like the rest of the people out there and you wont catch the attention of the cops. Trust me do that you will be 100% fine.
i have yet to get caught. you guys saw my video of me rippin the streets. when i have to test or just feel like a little rip, i ride the streets in my urban subdivision lol. 2 cops, havent got caught or talked to yet.
i have yet to get caught. you guys saw my video of me rippin the streets. when i have to test or just feel like a little rip, i ride the streets in my urban subdivision lol. 2 cops, havent got caught or talked to yet.

It's not hard to outrun a guy on a horse...

(sorry, i couldn't resist the Dudley Doright reference...)
i have yet to get caught. you guys saw my video of me rippin the streets. when i have to test or just feel like a little rip, i ride the streets in my urban subdivision lol. 2 cops, havent got caught or talked to yet.

And I can promise you that you will probably get away with doing stuff way more times than you will get caught. There are many more people out on the streets doing dumb things than there are cops out looking for them.
And I can promise you that you will probably get away with doing stuff way more times than you will get caught. There are many more people out on the streets doing dumb things than there are cops out looking for them.

obviously but i wont get caught. even if i do, i could talk my way out of it, that is if it was a first time.
i have taken many o many o many trips down the road on myquads/bikes/ trikes and have yet to have the cops come for it, i dont just rip down the road for nothing, if im tuning a carb or adjusting brakes, than i will, chances are if a cop rolls up and your on the road there gonan run your name, make sure you have no warrants, and ask you what your doing, and tell you to take the machine home and stay off the road, if your civil with them and dont give a attitude you will be surprized with the out come, now if your doing wheelies down the road than your prob gonna get afine
You know that most cops decide what they are going to do (cite, warning, release, tow) by what comes out of your mouth in the first 10 seconds of conversation. Attitude goes a long way.
You know that most cops decide what they are going to do (cite, warning, release, tow) by what comes out of your mouth in the first 10 seconds of conversation. Attitude goes a long way.

anybody ever said "awwwww WHAT THE f*ck THIS TIME?"

and then you just gave them max you could lol?
people say stuff like that all the time. When a officer comes to the window and you say "i didnt do sh*t" or "how can you prove that I was speeding or that i ran that stop sign" that is #1 that you are going to get a ticket. If when the officer come to the window and tells you why he stopped you just say "ok" and get him the information that he want. Trust me it will go a lot smoother for you. Also if saying "sorry, i didnt mean to or sorry ill never do it agian" does not help. Dont try and explain yourself, sounds like you are trying to talk your way out of the ticket.
people say stuff like that all the time. When a officer comes to the window and you say "i didnt do sh*t" or "how can you prove that I was speeding or that i ran that stop sign" that is #1 that you are going to get a ticket. If when the officer come to the window and tells you why he stopped you just say "ok" and get him the information that he want. Trust me it will go a lot smoother for you. Also if saying "sorry, i didnt mean to or sorry ill never do it agian" does not help. Dont try and explain yourself, sounds like you are trying to talk your way out of the ticket.

like for instance ( im a lil drunk but i know what im sayin so if my typing is wrose than normal im sorry)

the night i got that datsun, got stopped for no plates and broken tail light, i knew why the cop stopped me and he asked me if i knoew why i was being stopped i sai d'yes sir no plates and the broken tail light', he asked me the normal questionsd, where im coming from where im going, i told him i just got the car and, he said he was going to issue me two citations one for tail light and one for registration, i talked my way out of them and only got warnings, well really didnt talk out of them just said hey i dont plan on driving the car for a while im gonna do the body work and paint, and he said ahh thats cool, ill tell ya what ill just give your wanrings tonight, i said thank you so much i apriciate it , he gave me warnings and i was on my way

be civil and show respect no matter your age a officer is still your 'elder' so to say
btw im almost 26 and i learned there is no point in being adick or giving attitude if you got stopped you deserve it,

i did get stopped once for somethind i didnt sdo, got pulled ver for exhaust, when it wa s afriend that was necxt to me