f*ckin bullshit

funny thing is i wasnt even riding at the time. i was parked on the side of a gravel road checking out my spark plug.

valid point, but unfortunately, that also means you got there somehow (aka riding the quad). it does seem like you caught the cop on a bad day though. hope you get your wheels back quick man!
bad day to get caught.wasnt stolen he said thats the only thing that pisses me off. he coulda let me take it home and if he caught me again then impounded.guess im gonna have to ride on my property see how the neighbors like that.
hahha the vid i posted in this thread was taken in the city part of my state but i live in the country/county..ahahh soo i ride my blaster in the street daily and a cop lives a couple houses over and i no he can here me!.......but he has never said anything yet so i guess im lucky
Damn that sucks bro. I hope you get it back. I think that is bullshit how he took it like that. He could have gave you a warning. As far as being an f*ckIN sheriff, he could have been less of an ahole for sure, but not all cops are complete dickheads. One time when i was riding in the winter and i was on main road and i was going pretty fast and and idk what made me think it was a cop but it was. all i saw were the lights flash and woop woop. So i stopped and he was like "dude, thats a f*cking awesome blaster"! and i was like what you have one? and he was like no man i got a yfz. He told me just to be careful and to watch for snow plow trucks coming around corners. He said i might see him later on the streets! By far the coolest thing ever! So there are SOME cool cops
Heres the thing, having a title and stuff for your vehicle really does help you in the long run. It is easier to sell when you want to and when it does get stolen it is actually in the system with the DMV. If you dont have papers for your quad when it does get stolen do you know the vin number so when you file the report you have one. Because if you dont your never going to get your bike back. Why because your vin is not in the system so they wont know that it is even your bike when they stop the guy who stole it riding down the road.

Second, you were not riding it when he saw you but it is pretty common since that you rode it there to be stopped on the side of the road changing your plug. Same reason you can get a DUI when your drunk, drive and then decide to sleep it off on the side of the road. Cop comes, he can obiously tell that you drove the car there drunk and can give you a DUI.

Prety much everything that a cop does in the long run will really help you out. Hes not taking your quad to be a dick, he is taking to to pursuade you to get the proper papers for it.

And once again I will use this argument: Were you doing doing something you were not supposed to be doing when you got caught? If the answer is Yes, dont complain.
Well said fabb.... I didnt answer this post at all since I really do not feel sorry for him since he was obviously doing something to draw some attention to himself...

Those people who complain about the police... Are the idiots who do things to draw negative attention from the police !
Here there are no titles required.A bill of sale only and you are good to go.Sounds fishy to me.Even though it is illegal to ride just about everywhere in my state,if you are registered they are usually somewhat decent to deal with.Not a good situation man.I would be there worst enemy right now till I got it back.Good luck.
thank god i live in alabama we dont have to have titles or have them registered it prolly would help if it got stolen. i dnt even know where my blasters been how many owners it had or anything i live in the middle of nowhere so theres no cops thank fully. but yea i hope u get ur blasty back soon
few states you dont have to have sh*t.its an orv people can make there own.as for doing something wrong i wasnt doin sh*t i just got done putting spark plug back in.oh well when i get the title and sh*t im selling it.700 for the whole thing extra rims everything.gonna get a crotch rocket but if i get another quad itll be a raptor 700.y450 heard cranks go pretty quick on them.my loss your gain found out tomorrow if i can even get a title if not its staying there.
few states you dont have to have sh*t.its an orv people can make there own.as for doing something wrong i wasnt doin sh*t i just got done putting spark plug back in.oh well when i get the title and sh*t im selling it.700 for the whole thing extra rims everything.gonna get a crotch rocket but if i get another quad itll be a raptor 700.y450 heard cranks go pretty quick on them.my loss your gain found out tomorrow if i can even get a title if not its staying there.

Grow some balls and go get it back regardless of title or not.IT IS YOUR MACHINE NOT THERES!! Whether you did something wrong or not they cannot keep your bike if it does not come bacK stolen.All you need for your proof is a bill of sale.Now go get it back.
Grow some balls and go get it back regardless of title or not.IT IS YOUR MACHINE NOT THERES!! Whether you did something wrong or not they cannot keep your bike if it does not come bacK stolen.All you need for your proof is a bill of sale.Now go get it back.

Not true, here in California if you got caught riding your bike not registered then the cops or BLM officers could impound it for 30 days. You pay tow fees and storage fees. Here in California you have to register your quad just like a car. If its not registered, it can be impounded.
Not true, here in California if you got caught riding your bike not registered then the cops or BLM officers could impound it for 30 days. You pay tow fees and storage fees. Here in California you have to register your quad just like a car. If its not registered, it can be impounded.

OK,but it is still that persons machine and not stolen so it is theres.They will still get it back as long as they pay the fees.I would say cause it is truly not theres.It's just a way to generate some more revenue for that broke state.Either way he should not let it rot in their possesion and do everything in his power to get it back.I guess I see it differently than others.Here in Mass I have had to ride my whole life trying not to get caught,obeying others property and have still had many encounters.Some you run some you don't.But I have never had a problem with law enforcement impunding it and not giving it back.I did have to pay a tow fee and storage fee once but still got it back the same day.I also register my machines for 2 years it's $40 and they are usually a little nicer to see you are helping to pay there salary.IMO
sorry to say its gonna rot there.michigan is a broke ass state.driver responsbility fees all kinds of little bullshit to make money.have to work everday dont have time to deal with there sh*t by the time id be able to get it out id pay what i bought it for.switching to four stroke man thats hard to say found a 06 yfz450 0 mi for 5000 or 08 350 raptor 0 mi 3000 both have 3 yr warranties
Well said fabb.... I didnt answer this post at all since I really do not feel sorry for him since he was obviously doing something to draw some attention to himself...

Those people who complain about the police... Are the idiots who do things to draw negative attention from the police !

+1 VERY well put. I:I