Durby Stickers

To start a conversation (send a "pm")
1 left click on anyones name, an option box will open, find the yellow "start a conversation" button. conversations are the new pm's
and only visible to those invited,
yes, you can start a conversation with multiple people by adding their names to the "Participants" box, seperated by a coma

double clicking their name will take you to their profile page
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The conversation will only be allowed to you and him, you can edit it to allow anyone to see/comment in it. Im unsure if you could add 2 people only
Can i get a few please for our quads if that is the type if stickers you got? Thanks Brandy
Brandy, Your envelope will be the first one mailed out. It brings be great joy that knowing that Mike's memory and love of our sport will be displayed riding with his family and his Blasterforum family.

Here is a picture of mine on my Blaster. I put it where I'll see it everytime I go out, and remember what he meant to so many people.
I just wanted to let everyone know that their stickers are in the mail. I mailed them out Tuesday, so they should be showing up soon.

Everyone who sent a request got the number of Sticker they asked for. I still have quite a few left.