do you think that its possible..

Eye R Newb

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
to be too big for a blaster? i keep thinking to myself that once i get the blasty runnin im gonna sell her. im not tall only 5'7'' but i weigh 270-280 pounds. short and fat lol. are there any 'bigger' riders like myself that ride blastys with no problem?
you should be good you just have to set everything up for your weight. Theres alot of bigger guys on here that still ride a blasty
it should be cause I no when I have someone on the back of the blaster I weight 200lbs myself and Ivv had people at 150lbs on the back and it was fine just slowed it down alittle that was all so I had like 350lbs on it and it was fine
im 6' and 220 yeah the blaster feels to small lol.

but I still raced it for 2 seasons...
im 5'11'' 260 and rocked a blaster!!! size wise to be good for a bigger rider.. +2 orm+3 arms +3 swinger +4 axle, and race cut front fenders.. gives the machine a better feel for a bigger rider... bar risers help to for taller guys.