do i have this right???

The thng that gets me is that I have to pay half of my health insurance and the company pays the other. I opt for the best coverage for my family and the coverage keeps going down the drain and the price goes up. I pay 254$ every two weeks and 3 of the ten prescriptions my wife and son take are covered. The other seven are 50$ each but everone else gets it for free. I served my country in the ARMY and get up and go to work every day. How did I screw up so that helping me is not as important as helping someone that does not pay taxes to this country.
The thng that gets me is that I have to pay half of my health insurance and the company pays the other. I opt for the best coverage for my family and the coverage keeps going down the drain and the price goes up. I pay 254$ every two weeks and 3 of the ten prescriptions my wife and son take are covered. The other seven are 50$ each but everone else gets it for free. I served my country in the ARMY and get up and go to work every day. How did I screw up so that helping me is not as important as helping someone that does not pay taxes to this country.

First off I would like to say thank you for serving. Unfortunately Im only 15 and and dont have these struggles yet but I do know a great deal of whats going on. Even the benefits of the ARMY are going south. Hell the U.S. ARMY isnt even all U.S. citizens anymore. Talking about this is only going to lead me into Obama, and thats where I dont want to go. I also don't want to get 4cfed's thread closed, so this will be my last post in this thread.
Cat i feel you.. We just traded our health insurance for some sh*t that was supposed to be 80/20... now its more like 30/70.. went to the E.R. to have an m.r.i dont recently..

I PAID IT IN FULL OUT OF POCKET...down to the iv of saline water they made me take for a mere 280 bucks...
going back to teh 1st post, all true and pathetic...this country is pathetic.......all im gonna say...
What scares me is someday I will not be able to take care of my own family. If somthing major happens, I will be sunk. Mean while the Austin hospital released that 15 people have run up over 250,000 in health charges and have not paid one dime. One person has gone to the er 150 times in one year. Don't missunderstand me, people should be taken care of, but not so that the legitamate people who foot the bill and get poor health care.
The thng that gets me is that I have to pay half of my health insurance and the company pays the other. I opt for the best coverage for my family and the coverage keeps going down the drain and the price goes up. I pay 254$ every two weeks and 3 of the ten prescriptions my wife and son take are covered. The other seven are 50$ each but everone else gets it for free. I served my country in the ARMY and get up and go to work every day. How did I screw up so that helping me is not as important as helping someone that does not pay taxes to this country.

^^I'm in the same boat! Served my country but still pay out the ass for medical care. What's even worse? My mother is a nurse for a well known hospital and their healthcare coverage is worse than mine!

On the flip side, I feel I earned the right to choose..... I'm not against helping those who need it, just the ones who don't want to do anything and feel they "deserve" to be taken care of because their American or something......

I think Boost summed it up, it's about leadership. Everyone wants to be politiclly correct and speak on the behalf of the "people". The sad facts are that most Americans want to be taken care of. That means they make up the majority and when it comes to public office, the majority wins. Leadership has become parenting, and parents take care of their children but it isn't free. So our taxes go up, assylum is given to illegal immigrants, our healthcare goes up because people don't take care of themselves and those of us who work our asses off suffer.........

Give me a job, let me choose my healthcare option, let me raise my children and keep your hand outs. Don't come on to my land and tell me when, where and how I can do what I want to do. You want to interfere in our lives then keep to those who welcome it!

Last thing here.....

Makes me happy to see adults (yes, even those of you under 18) discuss a topic like this without getting offended or being mean about your position. To me, this is Freedom! Watching such a large group of people respect that freedom makes me happy to have served our country! I:I
^^I'm in the same boat! Served my country but still pay out the ass for medical care. What's even worse? My mother is a nurse for a well known hospital and their healthcare coverage is worse than mine!

On the flip side, I feel I earned the right to choose..... I'm not against helping those who need it, just the ones who don't want to do anything and feel they "deserve" to be taken care of because their American or something......

I think Boost summed it up, it's about leadership. Everyone wants to be politiclly correct and speak on the behalf of the "people". The sad facts are that most Americans want to be taken care of. That means they make up the majority and when it comes to public office, the majority wins. Leadership has become parenting, and parents take care of their children but it isn't free. So our taxes go up, assylum is given to illegal immigrants, our healthcare goes up because people don't take care of themselves and those of us who work our asses off suffer.........

Give me a job, let me choose my healthcare option, let me raise my children and keep your hand outs. Don't come on to my land and tell me when, where and how I can do what I want to do. You want to interfere in our lives then keep to those who welcome it!

Last thing here.....

Makes me happy to see adults (yes, even those of you under 18) discuss a topic like this without getting offended or being mean about your position. To me, this is Freedom! Watching such a large group of people respect that freedom makes me happy to have served our country! I:I

Could not have said it better myself
is that actual debt of right now? there is to much pointless crap coming out that it unneeded. its manitory to have health insurance or u will be penalized when taxes get done. its stupid. i like nh live free or die but even thats getting bad now.
Ok, my opinion on all this is that theres no stopping it. Not me, not you, not 4cfed, not even Obama can stop it. Its a roller coaster thats running out of rail. Remember last year, when the 'recession' hit? It was pussy sh*t. All that happened was the rich people protected their interests, thus pulling billions of dollars out of the economy. This caused banks to fail, companies to downsize, and the legal American citizen to pick up the debt. Thus, the rich stayed richer and the poor got foreclosed. I know this sounds wierd, but when the recession came, I was hoping it would be worse. I mean, it was bad, but I was hoping it would spread past the common man. If it would have made everyone, 100 percent of people in America dirt poor, we would have started from scratch, and hopefully came up with a system that worked. The only way to fix this is to bring everyone to equality.

07EigerRider's plan to fix the country:
Go to everyone in the country, and weed out the non-citizens. (thus making more jobs available to the citizen, and creating more saved tax dollars due to not needing to care for these people)
Make the rich man equal to the poor man. (no, dont take away what he has earned rightfully, but make it so the rich dont have any more power than the poor)
Get rid of lobbyists (think about it, its legal bribery)
Get rid of every crooked politician (ive heard many a common man make much better sense than a college educated politician)
Create more manufacturing jobs in America (GM exported jobs because they couldnt afford to pay American workers, so listen. If GM offers $10 an hour, think about it. If you take it, you are keeping jobs here and securing a job. But if you refuse and demand more, GM is gonna say f**ck off. Then your out Flipping burgers for $7.95 an hour.)
And stop bitching about the president. (has there ever been a president everyone liked? No. And there never will be. No matter what he does, he will never please everybody)

Yea, i know its a rant and whatnot. But its my .02