Digital Cameras?


New Member
Feb 29, 2008
I'm about to spend some money on a Digital Camera since you can't always rely on your g/f's or buddys and its a good thing to have one. Does anyone know anything about them or know any good deals? I don't need anything fancy but i'd like decent quality. Prob gonna take a ride up best buy, wal mart and circuit city today.
Go for one with high amount of optical(not so much digital) zoom(10x would be nice but pricey) and megapixels ( at least 5 mp). Kodak makes decent, reasonably priced digital cameras.
walmart always has sales on them when they get new ones in or what not they have a big pile pf nice ones on sale cause they got new models in ..
I really like the Canons. They've been making cameras for a long time.I bought the Canon SD600. Its a great camera. The pictures are amazing.I got it or $250 about 1 year ago but the prices have dropped significantly. You could even get a SD1000 cheap and that has image stabilization. The best place to go would be Best Buy.