Help with 02 blaster

Your motor seizing up for a little bit ata a time is a bad sign. Most bikes run awesome right before they have major problems. The next time it 'locks up' kill the bike and take off the flywheel cover.

Put the bike in neutral, and try to roll the crank over via the flywheel nut. That will tell you if it's a top end issue, or tranny.

Regardless of that finding, you need to remove the clutch cover and inspect the gears on the outside by the clutch. Check for sever wear, teeth missing, or obvious grinding. Check the kickstart gear, drive gear, kicker gear, idler gear.

Do you get the grinding sound as soon as the bike starts? Or during a ride?
Most bikes will run awesome before they have major problems. Drop the clutch cover off and check for wear or missing teeth on the kickstart gear, idler gear, drive gear. Also check the clutch plates. I've seen bikes have pieces of clutch plate material floating around and getting caught between the gears.

If everything checks good from the gear side, next time it locks up, kill the bike right away and remover the stator cover. Turn the flywheel by hand. That will tell you if it's top end, or a tranny issue.
Most bikes will run awesome before they have major problems. Drop the clutch cover off and check for wear or missing teeth on the kickstart gear, idler gear, drive gear. Also check the clutch plates. I've seen bikes have pieces of clutch plate material floating around and getting caught between the gears.

If everything checks good from the gear side, next time it locks up, kill the bike right away and remover the stator cover. Turn the flywheel by hand. That will tell you if it's top end, or a tranny issue.
Only happpens wheni kick it
Then that's when to remove the stator and turn the flywheel. If it loosens up, it's top end. If it won't turn, it's tranny/crank related.
Then that's when to remove the stator and turn the flywheel. If it loosens up, it's top end. If it won't turn, it's tranny/crank related.
Well its not locked up. It runs and drives itd just the kicker makes a grinding noise only sometimes when u kick it.. not sll thr time but some strokes it makes a grinding noise. So im thinking if i change out the oil and stuff there might be some metal shards from transmission in the oil. And maybe the oil jus needs changed
So im thinking if i change out the oil and stuff there might be some metal shards from transmission in the oil. And maybe the oil just needs changed

If you have metal shards in the oil you are about to have a HUGE problem. From the way this thread is going, don't ride the bike again until you figure out your problem. Or do, your choice.

If it was my bike, drain the oil. Run a magnet through it and see what comes out. Split the cases and find out why it's grinding. Could be something as simple as the kickstart gear arm being stretched out and not recoiling the gear in all the way. You need to do some investigating and take plenty of pictures of everything on the inside. Show us what your working with.
Guys i think a stater screw is missing check out this pic. I couldnt pull the flywheel because i have no tool but ima try to find one tomorroe at the local scooter/ go kart store. Then i can get in there and really,see whats going on


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Also it dousnt seem tohave much oil in the tranny and it looks kinda brown and milky a little? Maybe the gasket is leaking and its low on oil and maybe got some water in there
drain it and measure much? should be 650ml drained out or very close.
fill it with 650ml of oil/which is about 3/4 of 1qt..
which is the correct amount.
when quad is running in neutral,on level ground it should be in between the two notches indicated on the window.
you cant tell by window if it is just sitting there it will be a full window/and if oil is new it will be hard to see it.
example :anyways other methods i suppose lol:)
also clean the window as in i bet it is foggy/dirty ect
Drain it and find out. Usually oil that has a milky color is due to a head gasket leak letting coolant in. But, no radiator means water might be the only culprit.
So little update. She runs fine. I fized the problem.. wasnt anything major it was exactly as i thought guys... a screw fell out of the small stater. Was locking it up on the inside of the flywheel. U could see the grooves. So i got the screw out. Screwed it BACK in the stater lol!! And she purs like a kitten. No more grinding. Even idles now. So morale is sometimes its the little things guys... everyone always jumps to major catastrophic conclusions. But thanks for the help. Heres some pics


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