Dakotademon7's build gone addictive

Thanks for the offer buddy. As for my jetting, I've been looking around to see what other people with a setup close to mine are running. I see them running a 150 pilot and 158 main. I'm going to get them jets and a one size bigger on each. I'll start out with the one size bigger and see what the plug reads. Getting the new rings but not sure what way I want to break it in. Ether the standard way or the hard breakin method.

No prob on the offer, stands for whenever, just holla...

Few things to add here based on your feedback.
As far as break in, heat cycles are key, whenever possible, period, very reliable.
2 best things to know with owning a dubba stroke, heat cycles and plug chops, the rest is childs play.

Now, I think you maybe mis-typed on the jets r sumthin' ????

NO 150 pilot, maybe 45-55????? I am sure they DO NOT even make a 150 pilot for a PWK28(30mm OKO).

You will fall somewhere in the 150'ish main and 50'ish pilot.
Remember that 30mm OKO is essentially a PWK 28mm, just bored, to put it simple. Really no parts for those OKO's, you just order PWK 28 shiaaaat. ;)

Get over to Jets R Us and order a stock pile from 150's to 160(main), and say 45-55. (pilot)

This will give you plenty of leeway for jetting and have some stock for changes in altitude when ya travel(AWK's for instance, you will need to jet up for WAY up there) and compensate for our change in season here in DE, PA, etc. Always good to have some extra's, no doubt.

Let me know how you are making out.
Peace out bro
I'm getting my jets from the local shop. Diamond motor sports. I think I will give the hard break in a try. At the worst I will need a rehone and rings. I'll do some before and after compression tests and give a report. Can't wait to see how it feels. Only rode a stock Blaster before.
you're gonna be amazed man. such a big difference between stock and ported. hold on cause it'll be an arm stretcher.
It seems I found something else wrong. When I was rocking my Blaster I seen I had alot front to back play in the sprocket hub. Now I have to pull the hub and see what's wrong. This sh*t keeps up, I'll part the motherf**ker out.
your axle bearings fresh? could be the issue or either the axle nuts are loose.
How much do you tighten the lock nut? I had it tighten down good but the axle felt pretty stiff when I turned it so I backed off of it some. It seems like alot of play in the splines. I would think it should be a snug fit between the axle and hub splines.
some ppl say to tighten the sh*t out of them and some say to make them snug. i tighten mine pretty good and never have an issue.
I still have to get my clutch lever and I want to upgrade my clutch.

i have an extra "adjust on the fly" easy-pull lever and perch, its a sweet unit, i run it on my trail snail, pm me for pics if your interested i think you'll like it alot

on the axle nut i tighten the dog sh#t outta mine or it will back off even with locktight
Is it normal for it to be stiff to turn when you crank down on the lock nut. I would think you would tighten it down just to the point where it doesn't have any play but still turns freely.
yeah, those AOF levers are sweet. i love mine.

yeah for 30 bucks new you cant beat it with a stick, i like mine alot too I:I its the "outlaw" one on ebay

dakota mine does that too, so i go as tight as i can untill i feel drag start then i torque down the allen screw and i always keep an eye on it after every ride
i have an extra "adjust on the fly" easy-pull lever and perch, its a sweet unit, i run it on my trail snail, pm me for pics if your interested i think you'll like it alot

on the axle nut i tighten the dog sh#t outta mine or it will back off even with locktight

I have the link for the one on eBay . The same as Awk uses.
Is it normal for it to be stiff to turn when you crank down on the lock nut. I would think you would tighten it down just to the point where it doesn't have any play but still turns freely.

tighten it so that it's on the edge of stiff and you're good.
hmmmm, strange. Do you have any gap between the inside of the sprocket hub and the axle carrier?
OR, is the inside of it sitting flush/inside bezel inserted all the way in to the carrier????