Dakotademon7's build gone addictive

Was looking at my jug and seen he even gave it a hone. It's cool he didn't charge extra for it but now I have to spend extra money for new rings. I fresh hone and rings will do it good.

why do u need new rings? if he didnt bore it or anything just a hone shouldnt require new rings unless you were borderline on clearance. ur ride looks great man, a true transformation I:I I:I
That turtle looks like he wants to start some sh*t.lol


No doubt Dakota, that was one fired up painters turtle, hissing and all. Bad A$$, the Rambo of shell dwellers...

Bronco, HUGE pic post, at the perfect time, so fuggin funny.
Laughed so hard a little pee came out.

That mutha fuggin turtle snuck up on my personal time, thought I had the best little spot, but NO, here comes turtle power speedin' me up in a hurry. LOL

Fuggin ASS... :-)

Still laughin'
REPS for Bronco, just hilarious pic post, priceless. That look on the turtles face!!! LOL

BTW, to not thread jack, Kick a$$ build Dakota, little too much red for my liking but watta transformation bro, no doubt...

Nice job. I:I
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hurry up demon. i wanna see what hjr can do. what size carb are you going from and to?

edit: see it was 36mm now. that's not overkill? just port work and the head right? of the course the f7 too.

Definitely overkill, that 36mm is gonna SWAMP that motor, no doubt.
If you do get it anywhere near tuned the petro it is gonna EAT is not gonna be worth it, my $.02...

WAY TOO BIG for a std stroke, even ported/F7, etc, etc.

What is your thought process there on the Keg-O 36mm?
35 PWK's are HARD enough to tune on stroker's and BBK's, let alone 36mm, let alone on a stock bore/stroke.

34 PJ/similar is about MAX without stroker crank, even for a stroker it tunes great, like NOOB's Flotek screamer, etc, surprised no one else chimed in on this during your acquire.

Where the F is Freek?????
He'll tell ya, has TONS of experience with larger carb tuning on std stroke/stroker tunes/BBK's, etc...

Oh Freeeeek???? Where you at brutha?????????? :-/:-/:-/
I thought with all my mods I could get away with it. I knew it would be border line as it is now but would work better when I get the plus 3 crank. Should I just stick with my 30 for now?
I thought with all my mods I could get away with it. I knew it would be border line as it is now but would work better when I get the plus 3 crank. Should I just stick with my 30 for now?

That 36mm is gonna be a CHUG whore and just NOT tunable, with the small stroked 200CC blastee powerplant, trust me bro.

35mm is just about the max limit on these bikes, and that is usally in BBK flavor, just tryin' to save you a TON of tune time/headaches and FUEL, as said even if ya get that thing to run properly(even get on the pipe at all) it is gonna just waste fuel as the velocity and circuitry of that motor is just NOT gonna use the fuel supplied...

You will need to down-compensate everything just to get it tuned...

Watta ya have a 30oko?? If your port job comes out ooober aggressive and functional you can try the 34mm PJ route like plenty of others have been successful with, AWK, NOOB's, etc, etc...
But, The 30mm's are GREAT carbs for the std bore/stroke, and VERY tunable, no doubt.

Nix the 36mm, save yourself the headaches, by all means...
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Thanks for the input. I'm going to stick with my 30 and wait till I can get a 33-34 carb.

It is my pleasure, just tryin' to help out a brutha.
I am surprised many others have not chimed in, guess they were not aware you were tryin' a 36mm.

The 35PWK airstyker is a great carb, and has been made to work very well on ported +3 stroked and BBK blastee motors, and has been said to be easier tuned than the finicky 34mm PJ. But, once ya get the 34mm PJ tuned correctly for your setup, people have claimed it to be a GREAT all around carb, over and over...

When I go to the next level with my Blaster, gonna do a +3 stroker on an aggressive port, std bore, and go the 35mm stryker route, but that's me, and I have had ALOT of experience/background in 2 stroke tuning, and have the 35mm PWK airstryker on my ported 144cc BBK KX 125... I:I
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My thinking was that people run up to a 35 and that one more mm may not be the best but would not be to bad.

The internals to a 35mm PWK, specifically, over that 36mm you were gonna trade out are night and day.

As said the 35mm PWK is a very streamlined carb, super high quality and the internals are top notch. Very tunable, and reliable, and a dream to clean, maintain, etc, just speak from my own experience.

And, as said earlier, wish FREEK was around to chime in, he is another believer in the 35mm PWK's, atleast when he was running his heavier stroker setups and the BB he was rockin' ...

Anyway, good luck bro, just take it one small step at a time until you have the most functional tune on what ya got.
Hey dakotademon7 I like your style.......lol