I know it's late to start this but better late then never. I have slot to rite about so I will be adding post on a daily bases. The main thing I'm doing rite now is pAinting. I got it all apart. I'm doing the sanding on the frame now and saying to myself, what the he'll was I thinking. Lol. Wish I had the money to go get it powder coated but don't want to pay the $250 to have it done. The main things I got for it lately is some black our grips,red with black flames shock covers,used braided front brake line and the best on all is the awk08 gsxr brakes. I have had this blaster for about a year now and never rode it yet. It been all about upgrades. I blame blasterforum for getting this mod sickness. Lol. My next post will list all upgrades I have done.
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