I am a fan of keeping the peace, but continue to get a kick out of these same threads (though probably not for the same reason as others). They seem to repeat more and more often lately.
You know guys if you really despise 99 all so much then don't respond to him...that simple. By attacking him at every post you in essence are doing the exact same thing. The one difference is you are actually taking it on when you have made it clear numerous times you don't respect his opinion. By doing this you are joining the childishness that ensues every time he posts.
I will not speak for 99 but have read enough of these threads to realize that he most likely gets a kick out of upsetting others, as sheeblast did, just as members will continue to do.
Yes, sarcasm does not transfer well to words and Kennedy deserves everything he gets for posting that sh*t and for his horrible documented engine jobs. If someone wants to support him though why should that upset you? If you have an opinion that he sucks and will not use him then let those who think he can build a motor find out for themselves. If they cannot read the writing on the wall and still decide to let him touch their motor then they get what they deserve.
Debate is good for the forum, pics don't lie, and good work will speak for itself especially on a forum. Kennedy is a horrible engine builder IMO. I've gathered that, but don't need to name-call others who choose to support him in order to prove the point.
So kennedy calls awk a retard, and also disses ken by taking this from his site. This is little kid behavior, just like turning around and doing the same thing to members you dislike in a thread complaining how this behavior is bull.
Not much logic there........True I find it laughable reading these threads, but mainly because they become so hypocritical on each side and end up always overlooking the real issue, which for instance in this thread is kennedy, now he slithers back under the carpet and 99 becomes the topic.
Listen if your words affected 99 he'd be gone already so I doubt that will happen, it just becomes something to expect, yet engaging this makes you no better. I've tried to say this before but if you really dis-like him don't respond even if he says something that does offend you. Ignoring fully, will piss off someone trying to get a rise, more than engaging them. This is simple psychology.
Hudack, you could open a post on anything, and it always ends with everyone mad at 99 and some chicks kissing or naked. Classic.