crazy crash


Jun 14, 2010
i thought this would buck the guy off immediantly then i saw what happened
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look like it stuck behind the nerf bars and the wheel see i bet you he bought new nerfbars with bthe heelguards built in... this is why you have nerf bars on your bike but i think broken leg or it was ripped out of the socket
and thats why you use heel guards.....

that crash was insane. hard to believe he didn't get seriously injured
wheres awk!! he needs to see this

AWK saw it but that don't have anything on me.
my leg was back under the axle, broken and on an angle, with my foot ripped out of socket and facing the complete opposite direction :o:o:o

that dude might have gotten a knee/ligament injury, but thats about all, his boots look to have saved his foot ?
notice his body/head never even hit the ground as he was flipping, and he kinda stayed in "rider postion" thoughout.
he was very lucky he wasn't body slammed and/or the bike landing on him each flip :o

so my nerf's were worth it, glad i have heel guards. I mean he had to mess up his ankles, I've never seen a crash like this before.
Yeah, looks like his right foot is jammed between the nerfbar and the tire. You can see the left leg flopping around loose. It gotta hurt. HEELGUARDS!

I don't know about the safety of Nerfbars. After a few years in the sun the webbing gets weak and often guys have some of it missing.
A jump landing like that and your foot through the webbing? I see pain, lots and lots of PAIN.
I cannot get through the brush with nerfs, but floorpans make sense.

I see lots of stupid stuff. Guys riding with sharp edges on their quads, no heelguards, no brakes, no helmets, no brains.
Heck, I have seen guys spending huge money to buy supe-up parts when their brakes don't work, and resent the cost of pads!

I am no Mr Safety, and have been hurt plenty over the years, but think this through...

If it has happened before, it will happen again;
no heelguards = foot jammed in tire
no helmet = head against a hard object
no brakes = unexpected impact
sharp edges = lots of blood
open face helmet = dental work & scary smile
no eye protection = lifelong squint
no boots = expendable toes and ankles
fast on blind corners = sudden pain
I like that math they use up in nova Scotia