confused with blaster wiring


New Member
Sep 9, 2010
macon, GA
I have a 2001 blaster i just had the top end rebuilt and I was trying to shorting some of the miles of wire some one left tangled up in the front. So after cutting it and hooking it all back up it wont run. If any one has a diagram or knows color for color wat to connect please help
Pay special attention to the blk/wht wires. They should not be grounded or hooked to a black wire, except through a switch, like the key switch.

The 01 wiring diagram is a bit different than the 88-00. Use the link Noober gave you to download the manual, because it is good to have. Then give me your email address and I will email you the 01-02 supplement.
be very aware of open/close status of ciruits your eliminating, like if your getting rid of tors, key switch, a light, ect ect, everyones right in saying to shorted one at a time but that's yesterday's news for you it sounds like, there's some stuff in the DIY section about trimming up your wiring, might be of some help if you have to start from scratch it's better than having tons of new connections, that'll be the next issue is a bad or corroded connection, just from experience