ive never ridden away anywhere in shame junior, but ive towed many blasters away in shame, right qorund the time they blow the f*ck up which is every december
you'll know when I'm worked up. the only thing that bothers me is it seems like every time i start a decent thread about credible information you go and ruin it because its not part of your communist ways
keyboard racing... thats why you think your blaster is fast, about the fastest that quad will ever go is down on paper with the words BEAT right beside it
ya know every time i start a thread i have the same dumb hope that people will have educated debates in said thread and then people like you come along who watch there cartoons and talk on there 200 dollar cell phones and ride there four wheelers they didn't even pay for in the begging and ruin any intellectual conversation i could have
ok ima admit this, i dont wanna see this thing hit 12 pages but this post may be the reason it does, im just giving up on any chance of reasoning with you... its endless
yeah spoiled brat explains him pretty well, thats why he is like he is, his parents give him everything and he expects us to give him unearned respect, where me and you tony, work for eberything we own and have done
who's reasoning if anything i'm just doing this to see how much of an ass he could make of himself by playing the cool calm collective guy that he's really not he's probably on the other side of this thing kicking babies
seems like you have something against me with my 4stroke, that statement you just made, made you look stupid, and in said port you just admitted your defeat