cheap builds


New Member
Mar 7, 2013
I was just wondering what the cheapest someone has ever got a running atv for. The first quad I had was a old Suzuki, I traded two nitro rcs for it which I bought off another guy for $50. I cleaned the carb and it ran like a champ. I got a set of rear tires for $40, $20 to mount. So $110 and I had a running quad. A crappy old Suzuki but it went lol
I gave $ 500.00 for a pretty nice '02 Blaster with a broken kickstarter. That's probably the closest I've come to 'cheap' on an ATV deal. I fixed the kicker with a new pinion clip and clutch cover gasket, welded up two damaged engine mounts, popped in the proper jets for the FMF pipe and a new UNI air filter I had laying around from another Blaster, and went riding. That Blaster never let me down. I finally sold it in 2010 to get more $$ for my next project. Here's a pic of that one:


Now, even though its not an ATV, I DID trade a Craftsman riding lawn mower (into which I had about $ 250 invested) for my currrent bobber project. I got a non-running, but nice and all-stock Kawasaki KZ 305 LTD in exchange for the mower. I quickly had it up and going with a tune-up and new back tire. I still have the bike, actually. Its just in pieces at the moment while I'm turning it into a neat little bobber.
its a good looking quad. I just picked up a 96 blaster $270 in so far and I hope to ride it the next time I am able to work on it. dont have any pics yet
I wish i could pick something up and get it running cheap.

Every toy i buy, somehow it comes right apart and thousands go into it even when its running fine? Idk, im either crazy, have an addiction to spending money, or really into my hobby.
I wish i could pick something up and get it running cheap.

Every toy i buy, somehow it comes right apart and thousands go into it even when its running fine? Idk, im either crazy, have an addiction to spending money, or really into my hobby.

I'm the EXACT same way. If you lived closer I would swear there was something in the water!!
i picked up a 91 rm80 the guy said it sat int the barn for the last 10 years used to be a race bike he said it was his kids and last time it ran was in 02 i got it for 300 cleaned the carb nothing was in there all looked good tossed a pug and gas into it started 4th kick rode her for a few weekends sold it and got a kx250 allmost killed myself on it so i sold it
FREE! 1998 yz 80 guy said he couldn't get it to run had a mechanic come to his house and look at and couldn't figure it out. changed spark plug and put some gas in it and it strated 2nd kick
i got my first blaster fr 100 but engine blown and my second one half runnig fr 175 with spare motor fr twenty with fmf header pipe fr six bucks the kid wasn the sharpest tool in the shed