blastersaurous piks....

man that thing is a BEAST! how is that pipe actually run? its hard to see in the pics. was it custom built for it (pretty sure i already know the answer)
you need long shocks for 15" of travel...


  • 190-Sun, 24 Nov 2002 02_12_.jpg
    190-Sun, 24 Nov 2002 02_12_.jpg
    93.6 KB · Views: 151
i can see the second set fine i must say there is some really really nice looking fab work there!!!!!! i would have to say that is one blaster that could conquer awk mountain price is 1500.00 minus motor huh?? where u located
This bike is and has been my inspiration to keep building my Blaster! Phragle should be made the site's honorary godfather with godfather in black in the who's online list and a ban hammer just for the entertainment ... IMHO ... burp