Bansheedaves Hybrid Blaster pics

i hope so. need some expensive hubs for the rear wheels and a banshee axle for width. than ill have a roller.
well, i have both front and rear brakes bled. they lock up tight!! fluid in the trans and coolent in the motor. just need to finish my pipe and get it reinstalled. it is a roller right now for moving around. still need an axle and hubs to run my honda rims. plus a few parts here and there and i should be done.
Awesome work Dave. Everything is super clean and all your measurements look to be dead on. That's the way a hybrid should be built. I would love to do one.
I want to go full race plastics front and rear. I am super anxious to go riding. both the bike and quad.
oh, and with the stock blaster axle and wheels on there, you can really see the difference in the front aftermarket and rear stock lengths. looks so goofy.
this blaster is almost the size of a full size quad now. I really like the way its turning out.
i also fixed the leaks in my pipe. i tried getting the dents out of it but they wont come out.
got more done. and got her running. she doesn't vibrate and screams when the throttle is twisted. I will have a video tomorrow.