Bansheedaves Hybrid Blaster pics

heres a dumb question. since i cant run a standard blaster nerf bar setup due to the pipe and gussets in the way, do you think i could make a banshee or even a yzf nerfbar work? it needs to locate right behind the rear lower a arm mount to clear.
my new to me used plastics will be here tomorrow. can't wait. will be trimming them for eye pleasure and function. will order a hood at the same time I order an axle.
thanks. its looking like a quad again. I trimmed the rear plastic. I have to clean it up and blend the cuts. I still have a long way to go, but not as long as I did. thanks to coop, my blaster is looking good. I also have to trim my aluminum air scoops again to clear the plastic.
Looks awesome! I dont like yellow plastics, but that one makes me love it!!

You should flip your front tires around lol, they look backwards to me
Looks awesome! I dont like yellow plastics, but that one makes me love it!!

You should flip your front tires around lol, they look backwards to me
the arrow direction on the tires has them in the right looks odd, but ...