atv police encounters/ chases


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
well i was riding around for a good two hours and then came in for the night. then i got the urge to go ride again so i got all sutied up and went out. i was pulling out into the street and and i glanced to the left and saw a vehicle parked in the middle of the road. as soon as i got off the curb i saw it had something on top of its roof. two seconds later i see lights and they got my info. i wasbetween my dads van and my moms car and didnt have time to think. haha caught by the police 5 feet off my property. wat will they if i get caught a second time/ or caught running from them? anybody else got some cool stories?
ya I got caught not far from my house, it was unexpected, the officer just questioned me and took note of my license

the reason I was out riding was to clock my blaster on a dirt road. I was almost f**king home when it god damn happened!!!!!!!!!!!
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if you get caught running from them, they can charge you with eluding. In some states its a felony. Around my area they usually give warnings or if the cop wants to be a dick, they'll write you a $40 ticket for having and off road vehicle on a public road
we live in a little local town and i wont mind a 40$ ticket if i actually get caught trying to run from them. most of our local police are alright, with one exception
idk what it is in my new town, but back in grade 7 me and my friends rode quads like other kids rode bikes lol. but yeah me and my friend got caught, and they just warned us. my buddy on his kx125, my other friend on a ltz400 and my buddys friend on a cr125(or whatever the 4 stroke 125 is) were rippin down a highway and got chased by cops, they didnt stop so they were f*cking rippin from the cop, went on the way back to the main trail and my buddy on the 400 just gives up and my friend f*cking flew around the corner rigth after the corner my buddy stopped on, hit sand and got some major road rash on his arm, got back on his kx with 1 shoe(no gear exept helms because they were just going back home from visiting) and they tore it all the way back. my buddy gave up about 15 seconds from freedom. there was a bridge about 15 seconds away and this was like a rest stop, and they put these 2 huge rocks on each side of the bridge so cars cant go over it, just ppl and other sh*t so they coulda got away easily because the trail wasnt far after that. he ended up with like a 500 dollar fine, impounded his quad and with the other charges to get the quad out, ended up being like 1200 total. for another 15 seconds, he coulda saved 1200 dollars and his balls.
idk what it is in my new town, but back in grade 7 me and my friends rode quads like other kids rode bikes lol. but yeah me and my friend got caught, and they just warned us. my buddy on his kx125, my other friend on a ltz400 and my buddys friend on a cr125(or whatever the 4 stroke 125 is) were rippin down a highway and got chased by cops, they didnt stop so they were f*cking rippin from the cop, went on the way back to the main trail and my buddy on the 400 just gives up and my friend f*cking flew around the corner rigth after the corner my buddy stopped on, hit sand and got some major road rash on his arm, got back on his kx with 1 shoe(no gear exept helms because they were just going back home from visiting) and they tore it all the way back. my buddy gave up about 15 seconds from freedom. there was a bridge about 15 seconds away and this was like a rest stop, and they put these 2 huge rocks on each side of the bridge so cars cant go over it, just ppl and other sh*t so they coulda got away easily because the trail wasnt far after that. he ended up with like a 500 dollar fine, impounded his quad and with the other charges to get the quad out, ended up being like 1200 total. for another 15 seconds, he coulda saved 1200 dollars and his balls.

holy crap man that sucks! man that guy on the kx does have some large nads though haha.
Well I have yet to be chased. But I've been dammmmn close. We were out riding one day at this pit type of area (sand dunishhhh) but there is a bog (cranberry bog) then next to it is a pit, then directly accross the road is the rest of what we call a pit. so i got done rippin' sh*t and was taking a break. (along with my buddy Patric who was riding biotch haha) and my buddy devon is on my ozark hauling ass from the other side of the road, and boy I'm thinking wow, if there is a car he will have no idea. So he is hauling ass in atleast 3rd when a cop car drives by just as he is about to cross the road. He JACCCCCCKED on the brakes and threw it in reverse, he was about to run, but the cop commanded him to shut it off. He talked to the cop for about 5-7 minutes and got off with a warning and the cops having my name. f*ck now if anything happens its my asss.
When I was 14 in Upstate NY many years ago I had a little 100 dirt bike and the sheriff caught me on the highway in front of my house and they hauled my bike off with a tow truck and wrote my mom a ticket. It wouldn't have done me any good to run because the officer was the DARE instructor in my school. I treated him like a prick at school and I think that's why he was such a dick about it. My bus driver was also the judge for the ticket my mom got and he threw the ticket out but my Dad still had to pay like $100 to get the bike back.
when I was 17 I out ran the police one summer in the middle of the night. I was way out in the country headed home on some highway and I was doing 85 in my Mom's chevy corsica with the 2.8 V6 and the cop was coming at me at highway speed and when he realized how fast I was going he hit the lights and the brakes and I hit the gas. I knew he had to stop and turn around so I had a chance. My Friend was in the car with me and he was looking back and about crying "pull over man he's gaining on us" and sh*t, then he gets all excited and he's yelling "go, go your getting away!" LOL I don't know how fast I got it up to but I cut the lights off and went to slow up for a right turn and I hit the brakes and there were none. I was going so fast the brakes didn't do sh*t. But I caught the next right and ended up getting away, but I was only half way home and it was a white knuckle ride the rest of the way because I knew no matter how fast the car was, that police radio is faster! We made it home to my parents house.
Where I live now in Indiana you can't ride on the road but less than a mile away is a different county and you can ride on the road there. We always drive on the road to get there from here and the cops just wave, but I am one of them now so they won't bother me. When I see someone on the road I don't mess with them as long as there being safe.
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closest call ihave had was taken my son for aride on the trail boss.. i live right in the middle of a city of 52k? i think.. well crossed the street and wasnt not payin attention wehn i got into the parking lot.. bam!! cop car parked behind asnow bank.. so i putt alone turn around and park the wheeler.. cop didnt do anything!!!..

guy a know and afriend of his were out riding around town in a snow sorm last winter.. stopped at astop light and a cop pulls up att he corner across from them.. friend on a ds650 modded to holy hell and a ltz400.. the drop clutches spin around and take off!! cut down some side streets and yards and got away!!

wish icould get my hands on that ds!! been clocked at 105 on the ice!!
if u ride where i live,the bikes gone unless you have papers on u too prove its yours on the spot, but the best time getting caught was with my grizzly 600 screwing around in the snow in a parking lot. like 10 cops drove by and nothing,the only cop that i knew stopped me and rimmed me out but no i only hit the streets if u can't see them when we have snow
one time i was riding with my friends and we decided to try a new trail and we ended up coming out on a road about 4 miles from my friends house and we all thought it would be a good idea to go halling cheeks down the road.
i was on my cr80 at the time and my friends were on ther suzuki eigers and we were at my friends house and i saw a cop drive by his house then slow down and throw it in reverse and whip into the drive way, we hoped on our bikes and went up in the woods for about 30 mins and wen we came down from the woods the cops were siting on the hoods of there cars... they asked us why we ran and we said seemed like a good idea at the time...
they took our info and wen one of the cops was done he said if he ever heard my name again he was going to throw me in jail! thats a threat! and all bc of a lil trouble at school... cops!
the way i see it is if you just stop they aren't gonna get you as bad as they would if you run...

like this one time i was riding home from my friends, and i came around a turn and there was a cop sitting there waiting for me... he waved for me to stop, so i did... all he said was to go slow on the side of the road lol......

but when my friend ran from the cops they knew who he was and where he so they just went to his house and waited......i think it was an 80$ fine
my nieghbor, ran through town on his 300ex, the cops chased him a long ways and hit his rear of his bike, flipping him into a ditch, and him bieng the nut he is, he rolled the 300 over (it stayed running the clutch hit the ground holding it in) onto its wheels and before the cop got out of the car, he flipped him off and flew to the he had bad scrapes on his arm and back and ended up selling his 300ex in fear of being caught...
where I live i n Michigan wich is 20 minets from teledo ohio the cops dont care as logn as your not doing donuts or wheeles in front of them and being dangerus. I've been pulled over by animal control and they told me to go home. But in reality they realy couldnt make me go home, they could just radio the cops, but I didnt know.