Hi anyone got xbox live and has mx vs atv alive or mad riders the new game and fancies some racing bored out my mind man !
i only have old halo games and need for speed games but you can add me my gamertag is FOXR1DER259
I have cod 2, 3, 4, and mw2 and Pure (fun ATV racing game), ThE KiLlAtRoN 1, lol stupid ass gamer tag ik
I don't play much but, Sn1p3rFr3ak978 I:I
iv got grand theft auto pure and mw3 4 xbox
wat a new one what is it called im gonna buy it when it comes outAwesome i had gta too but i sold it i will get it again sometime this month dunno why i got rid of it as its a good game but the new one is coming out soon too
wat a new one what is it called im gonna buy it when it comes out
my gamer tag is the redneck 155
gta V it comes out at the end of this year i think maybe sooner but it looks awesome there is a few good games coming out later this year along with new walking dead season 3 xD