Anyone Got Any Annoying Neighbors?

May 18, 2012
anyone got any annoying neighbors ? i know i have this old lady down stairs from me is like nearly 90! she had something wrong with her coz she is sometimes fine then she goes awol! she comes up to my nans door and chaps on it and bangs on it like crazy! she needs to be put in a home but they won't put her in one!:( im about going insane just staying here! lolI:I
Its called second childhood, you have just past childhood, she is returning to it.

Take heed, when you get old, you may be just like her again.
I live on a small farm got a horse ad goats and the like. the lady across the street who thinks she's all that ( she used to be dirt poor hid from the oil man and such) well she married into money and thinks her shut don't stink. anywho... she try'd telling the state vet that our animals are unkept and unifies and that our manure pile ran into her well. so the vet showed up and was here five minutes and then went over there. he was like since when does sh*t run up hill? hahah dumb lady I tell ya
Nope, my neighbors are straight up badass

Awesome ;) wish mines was like that! same here quad rider except with police they just moan. i just do it all the more :P the police don't give a monkeys where i stay alot of idiots run around the streets on stolen bikes and the police go the other way ? like wtf lol
I can fire my 450 up at 2 AM and hit the rev limiter going up the road and straight into downtown to fill up at the gas pumps and people just wave and smile. No one cares here. :)
We are blessed with an awsome neighbour.

We were using a rotary hoe to sculpt some burms, our neighbour saw what we were doing and offered to bring in his tractor and plough and do it for us.

We took him up on his offer and within an hour he had constructed a small MX track complete with a couple of small jumps.

He said to me, "if you want somewhere to get up to some speed you can ride on my property".

I replied "what about your cattle, wont we annoy them".

He said "sheel be right, they can move". So now we have about 1,000 acres to ride on any time we care to.

It is OK for our buddies to ride with us as well, provided we do not go over the same place twice and tear up too much grass.
yuppp evcery single person in my complex. i take out my blaster to start up for 10 mins, and 3 minsa later, i see the police driving around.......god i hate this place.

Ha! You know, someone once gave me this gem to guide my life:
If everybody around you seems like an a$$hole, consider that maybe they are not the problem...

I own an acre in a residential/commercial area. I allow my neighbours access to the trails over my property, I keep the grass cut on my other neighbour's property who allows me access to the trails. He doesn't ride so I don't spin up his grass, I use a quiet muffler, I talk with him often. A commercial operation nearby cut off my access to the trails, I went in and talked to them face to face with no success. I kept at it, with a positive note, no respite. Then they needed community support for a project, I went to see them again. Suddenly the fence was opened and we are able to work together!

Consider others and they will usually consider you. Noise annoys, so muffler it to keep the trails open. Go easy on the gas near the neighbours to keep friends.
We are blessed with an awsome neighbour.

We were using a rotary hoe to sculpt some burms, our neighbour saw what we were doing and offered to bring in his tractor and plough and do it for us.

We took him up on his offer and within an hour he had constructed a small MX track complete with a couple of small jumps.

He said to me, "if you want somewhere to get up to some speed you can ride on my property".

I replied "what about your cattle, wont we annoy them".

He said "sheel be right, they can move". So now we have about 1,000 acres to ride on any time we care to.

It is OK for our buddies to ride with us as well, provided we do not go over the same place twice and tear up too much grass.

Lucky man, right there! I own 5 acres outside city limits, so I can ride some, but I am getting encroached upon by new construction, so this 1am night riding ain't gonna fly anymore. At least we still have trails out by the house that can be explored.
my neighbors are all cool with what i do here, because of me and my respect for them, and trying to promote this sport in a positive way

we had a few young-uns who started to come thru my little neighborhood ripping past everyone, pulling wheelies on the streets and such,
i stopped and talked to every nieghbor i saw, who were suddenly giving me dirty looks as i putted by at lawnmower pace, and explained i would put an end to the hooligans, which i did.
i caught them one by one and explained...i have been riding thru here for 20+ years, with never so much as a dirty look, nor the police ever called on me. and thats how it's gonna stay.
i asked what the reasoning was for ripping the streets, when the trails are only 30 seconds away ?
explained it had to stop, or access to the trails we be shut down, and 2" roofing nails spread on every trail.
the young hooligans now understand, and ride respectively across the 2 short paved streets it takes to get to the trails.

i just had everyone at my ride, 15+, ride right past all my neighbors to my moms house, some even waved to us.

earn respect and the world is yours !
lord knows i have my share of annoying neighbors. they haven't caused problems or anything, but they sure don't mind firing up their beat down, loud ass vehicles before the ass crack of dawn though.
I've had my share of DB neighbors , the people who bought the house right behind me are my newest thorn . SO I guess they are Pueblo indians , and they have had several family reunions the last couple years that last a damn week . and to make the get together as " original " as they can one of their ahole relatives brings REAL BUFFALO CHIPS to burn around their backyard camp fire , all the way from wherever the hell they are from . so the neighborhood stinks like sh*t for a week straight and they chant and sing and their elders talk all mush mouthed about the good ol days . I had enough last night and said over the fence " chris , dude what stinks ?" he explained what it was and I just shook my head . The smoke from it is filthy , I have to wash my white siding like everyday to get it off . I said dude , we're cool but you need to shut this down by midnight or I'm kicking over my Banshee and revving it to the moon outside your bedroom window . I mean sh*t they have been up till 3am like every night doing pow wows . Some people sheesh !!!
/\/\/\ man, just go don some loin cloth, get a hit off that peace pipe, and join the festivities, LOL

burning buffalo chips, wow !
I find that when night fishing with a little fire by my side, that tossing in a little cow chip, keeps the little flying bities at bay.

It does stink a llittle though.
my neibors are pretty cool except for 1 or 2 iv drove by police when i had my kodiak and they just waved when i drove by but there soe that waits to cut there yard till its about 1ft tall and have about 3 or 4 cars and a honda 250r sitting out front and when they had the 250r running it was nonstop riding up and down thee road hauling ass and my other neibor has a yellow taho and the speed limit on my rode is 35 and he hits at least 70 and he almost hit one of my friends while he was riding his 250 ex
My current neighbors are cool they like watching me ride in the feild. Hell they even mow my grass when it's tall. They even watch over the shop at night. If they see a light click on over there or hear a noise they call. The neighbors on the other side after 2 years of them living there I still don't know there names. They don't bother me I don't bother them. But as of next Thursday we move in to are new house. It has two acres to ride on . And I hope the new neighbors leave me be or are cool like the current ones.
mine are all right we have combined about 200acres of woods + two sand pits to ride on, we all have come to the agreement that we can ride on each others except for hunting season,and we all share the work of cleaning and mowing the trails when the need it, and we dont need any quiet mufflers cause our houses are all at one end for the most part and we dont get too close to them much

but one of neighbors has quite the anger problem and gets mad all the time when hes working on something in his shop, and we can hear him yelling from ou house
people are generally ok here, one guy that shares a property line with mine is a complete idiot with his property though, if a tree falls from his side of the fence onto our lawn, he will get all bitchy when we cut it up. my dad just got pissed and picked the tree up with the tractor and blocked his driveway with it lol I get thumbs up for the quads all the time from everyone else and they never give us any problems so they're good.