my neighbors are all cool with what i do here, because of me and my respect for them, and trying to promote this sport in a positive way
we had a few young-uns who started to come thru my little neighborhood ripping past everyone, pulling wheelies on the streets and such,
i stopped and talked to every nieghbor i saw, who were suddenly giving me dirty looks as i putted by at lawnmower pace, and explained i would put an end to the hooligans, which i did.
i caught them one by one and explained...i have been riding thru here for 20+ years, with never so much as a dirty look, nor the police ever called on me. and thats how it's gonna stay.
i asked what the reasoning was for ripping the streets, when the trails are only 30 seconds away ?
explained it had to stop, or access to the trails we be shut down, and 2" roofing nails spread on every trail.
the young hooligans now understand, and ride respectively across the 2 short paved streets it takes to get to the trails.
i just had everyone at my ride, 15+, ride right past all my neighbors to my moms house, some even waved to us.
earn respect and the world is yours !