bad time. my 2 year old choked tonight..


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
i figured i would share my story from tonight with you guys/gals since alot of you are family guys/ gals, and even you younger fellas have bothers and sisters, and maybe someday BUT i pray not, this story might help you out

ok bear with me here...

i made oreo dessert lastnight, and had it in the fridge of course, well tongith well making dinner i took it out and took a bite and put it away and my 2 year old seen it and wanted some, and i told him he can have some after dinner
Well him being my child he is stubborn and persistant, and my wife had to stand in front of the firdge door so i could finish making dinner and keep him outta the fridge, well i needed the wife to get the strainer out for me to strain the noddles, ( yes i do almost all of the cookin in the house)..
well he got to the oreo stuff well she was helpin me with the noodles and what not, and i seen him, pulled him away from the fridge told him no he had to wait and gave him a lil swat on the butt, nothing hard just a light swat( any of you that are parents know what im talking about)
and he started to throw a fit and plopped onto the floor cuz he was mad, next thing i know he is silent and not breathing!! and trying to breath and not gettin anywhere, my wife grabs him and i drop the noodles on the floor and dive onto the floor to his aid,
i take him from her and tell her to call 911, i start to freak out and tear up and am aboutt o loose it.. i stop take abreath think fast, and start to give him the himlic for toddlers ( under the rib cage so you dont hurt them or break there ribs) i stop and clear out his mouth with my finger to get the food out, and continue to work the himlic and patting his back firm to get him to spit out the food,
i ended up having to give him one breath of mouth to mouth to get him to start breathing cuz he was so worked up and scared he didnt know what to to do!! the whole time this is going on my wife was on the phone with 911.. i have no clue what she said to them cuz i was focused on saving my sons life.

i dont rember much of anything besides him untell he started breathing ok, he was breathing and kinda crying and wouldnt let go of me, he had a lil blood coming from his mouth which i think was from us tryign to get a finger in his mouth to clear it out, he wasnt breathing for 1 minute if that, that much i do know, just long enough to turn blue and start to go limp, which in a infant or toddler dont take as long as a adult,
the wife was still freakin out and crying on the phone with 911 when two cops shows up and about 15 seconds after that the medics showed up, from start of phone call to medics showing up was about two minutes!!! yes two minutes... ppl dont f*ck around when it comes to small children!!!

granted we live 3 blocks from the hospital, but the ambulances are stationed adn teh 4-5 fire stations we have, my guess is one was at the hospital or just leaving thats why they got her so fast,
i could tell he was fine, and they asked what happend, and asked if we wanted him to go get checked out which irefused cuz i know my son is ok, which he is...
15 min after this, he sat down and ate dinner with us, and ate all his food, and drank his cup of milk, than fell asleep on the couch with momma hold him, now he is sound asleep in his bed 15 feet away from me, i keep checkin on him and he is fine

so im glad i took first aid classes in high school, and was certified for cpr, even though your suspposto get re certified every so many years, i still remeberd what to do, and how to do it...

please for you high shcool kids on here... TAKE FIRST AID CLASSES AND GET CERTIFIED FOR FIRST AID AND CPR!!!! same with any of you adults on here, its a good think to know, i think if i wouldnt have known what to do or if i wouldnt have been home my son would be dead or possible brain damage could have happend if she couldnt have got him breathing by the time the medics got here... 2-3 minutes with out air can ruin a child!!

sooo pleasseee take the classes so you know what to do if you ever have to go threw something like this... i hope none of you do as it is truly the scariest thing i have ever had to do in my life, no parent ever wants to have to save there childs life... but im glad i did!!!

this is the second time i have had to do something like this, when iwas stil in h.s. out puppy we got fell between the stairs and hung him self, and i had to do cpr on him, and i brought him back to life but he has sever brain damage after that, didnt have proper motor skills and couldnt learn anything..

thats the end of my story, i hope you guys realise how important it is to know how to save a life, it could be your child, your best friend, your dog, your wife/ husband or a complete stranger ether way.. please learn how and take the corses
That's scary as hell dude. I couldn't imagine my boy choking. I get terrified when I check on him and he is rolled over in his crib. Glad it ended well!
I go ape sh*t crazy when my son starts to choke a lil bit on his food. He turns 1 in may so he is "starting: on solid foods ( he's a little past starting) and he inisists on cramming all his food in there at once.

Thank god you reacted so quickly!!!! Good on ya man!!!

Quick Thinking Parents FTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!
Great job, Fed. It's scary, but at times funny how kids are so persistant and no matter how many times you tell them, they do it anyways. My kid slipped and busted his ass in the bath tub after I repeatedly told him to stay on his butt. He wasn't hurt, but upset from the short fall. I told him, "See...that's why you stay on your butt. I don't feel bad for you, hope you learned something."

All that aside, I'm sure your adrenaline was pumping like crazy and I'm glad you have a good head on your shoulders and were able to do the right thing. *Holds up a beer* This ones for 4cfed!

That oreo no-bake pie is amazing. I've made myself sick trying to eat a whole pie. It's hard to put that fork down!
Thank god you knew what to do, i start to freak out every time my daughter gets quite when shes eating or something.

Always hear horror stories about it. I took the classes a long time ago but i think a re up wouldnt hurt any to be better suited for anything.

Your a hero in my book bro way to go not losing your head and saving your sons life. You never know how your going to react when the situation arises, but stepped up.
thanks again guys!!.. he woke me up by jumping on me today yelling at me to get up, cuz he wants a ride on the dirt bike

yes the oreo is evil!! i allways eat more of it than i should and get sick to my stomach, its just soo good though!!
thank god everything worked out for you, and your qwick response and rememberin cpr helped, but just gotta tell ya from experience, you shoulda had him checked out at the hospital, my grandfather went in to have a bariatric exam for an stomach ulcer, ya know the one where ya drink that chalky sh*t, and then they x-ray ya, well he choked on it, and apparently got some in his lungs, but everything seemed ok, but because of his age (81), they admitted him to the icu, for the night, well in the middle of the night his lungs filled with fluid and he died
so im guessin any time someone chokes on something this could happen, go to the er and get checked out
glad everything worked out for you, but keep a close eye on the little guy for the next couple days, id say watch for any signs of chest congestion, and if so at least take him to his private doctor
Good job 4cfed, I'm glad for you and your family that everything turned out OK. Makes other worries and problems seem insignificant when something is going on with your family.I'm glad it turned out well for you all!