Am I in over my head???

i popped in a 45 pilot and new plug three kicks started its started every time afterwards whithout even hitting the throttle. im thinkin its way ritch because after three cycles the plug is really wet and the black tar lookin stuff is spittin out at the engine/exhaust flange. while its been goin through the heat cycles i decided to try and install some working brakes before i try to get it moving. a friend and i spent yesterday cutting and welding some brackets for the master cylinder and caliper we salvaged off some of his wrecked bikes. ill proly upgrade to a better caliper system later because i dont think a 90cc caliper will have the stopping ability, could be wrong tho.
i got sumthin yall proly laugh about...ive been out toodlin round the yard the past couple of days and mitch the guy who traded with me is well hes pissed he caught me ridin around the yard he came flyin up the drive way was outta his truck before it was even stopped and was jus a cussin me out before he was halfway across the yard . asked how i got it runnin, who did all the work, what the problems were. then he had the balz to ask if he could take it for a ride all i could say was go fly a kite lol

but ne way this thing is wicked at 1/4 to 1/2 throttle and i havent got to open it up all the way yet im still going to wait awhile before i do that i think i got the pilot set right with a 40, close to 1 3/4 turns out on the air screw, needle on middle slot, 130 main. I still have to do some WOT tests for the main. but im just happy the thing starts and moves at the moment. the lil 90cc caliper locks up the rear end with ease to my amazment.

THANK YOU!!!!! to all who helped in gettin me goin and gettin that A--hole all stired up that just made my day hell made my week even better
Man thats hilarious I would told him off and peeled out in front of him and parked it in the garage.And told him you gotta pay me a dollar a minitue to look at it:D
Nice job with the tune up. Sounds like you fell into one hell of a deal and had no idea what you had till she was running. I can tell ya one thing, from the list of mods you posted, most long time members here would kill for that bike. Alot of people dream for a bike with that list of motor mods.
Man thats hilarious I would told him off and peeled out in front of him and parked it in the garage.And told him you gotta pay me a dollar a minitue to look at it:D

oooo shoulda thought of that...

guys i owe all yall ahellova big thanx if i didnt jus stumble across this fourm id proly end up like him frustrated and gave up on it but the worst part was he had all the jets he jus didnt know wat he was doin thanks again guys for stickin with me, pointing me in the right direction. i was dishin out rep but i guess i can only hand out so much at a tyme so jus wait hopefully i can get yall back.
Nice job with the tune up. Sounds like you fell into one hell of a deal and had no idea what you had till she was running. I can tell ya one thing, from the list of mods you posted, most long time members here would kill for that bike. Alot of people dream for a bike with that list of motor mods.

ive got a friend comin over tomara were gonna opener up an see what this things got for topend do some plugchops and get the main set he wants to line up his banshee but hes jus gonna have to wait im gonna baby this thing for a wile till i feel its ready for a speed run.

im thinkin when it starts getn cold ill park it in the gerage so i can pull the axle off was readin a banshee axle fits for more width, maybe some new a-arms as well, new set of rubber all around, upgrade to a better rear caliper. any other suggestions? dont have front brakes and whats a good silencer that will fit with this pipe?
You got no silencer at all :o ? Have you done any full throttle yet? How does it run? :D

naw its got a alum. silencer has no ID on it tho dont know what it is but id like a new one
this one is luckin foud im goin to pull it off and look inside maybe needs repacked?
the way its fixed to the pipe is rigged id like one that fits right and will work with the pipe

no full throttle yet later on today were gonna get the main set jus been toodlin through the yard with it so far im beyond pleased with the way it runs I:I
Not sure since theu dont make that lrd pipe anymore, but an lrd silencer should work. If not id try to make a toomey silencer work since they sound so nice.

And yes a banshee axle will fit, but you'll need a banshee caliper and something else, cant remember, if your bike is older than 2003 edition. Some a-arms would be nice, but some elka or even works shocks on the stock a-arms would be awesome. As for rubber, I like my maxxis razr cross tires. Got them on all 4 of my bike and love them. They hook up real good in a straight line, allow me to slide the ass end if i want, and are 4 ply so decent enough for trail riding.

If you could figure out a way to clean up the way the pipe and silencer join, I would probably repack the silencer you currently have.
Sorry forgot to mention, you can get some norman420(member here) spindles that bolt up and will allow, I think, some hydraulic front brakes. And, Awk(member here) makes custom gsxr rear brake kits for the blaster. Just shoot him a pm cuz I cant remember the price.

And some different rear hubs to bolt some banshee rims(4/156 lug pattern) up. These will make tire selection alot easier.
Not sure since theu dont make that lrd pipe anymore, but an lrd silencer should work. If not id try to make a toomey silencer work since they sound so nice.

And yes a banshee axle will fit, but you'll need a banshee caliper and something else, cant remember, if your bike is older than 2003 edition. Some a-arms would be nice, but some elka or even works shocks on the stock a-arms would be awesome. As for rubber, I like my maxxis razr cross tires. Got them on all 4 of my bike and love them. They hook up real good in a straight line, allow me to slide the ass end if i want, and are 4 ply so decent enough for trail riding.

If you could figure out a way to clean up the way the pipe and silencer join, I would probably repack the silencer you currently have.

with the axle its the brake hub, but watta bout the sprocket hub? will the blaster hubs fit it till i can get the other hubs and better rims to fit'em?

im thinkin its older b/c it a mech. brake on the rear and drum on front the inards were taken of the front the bracket was missing for the rear and the caliper was locked up. i built the bracket for the lil caliper on it now and might be able to build another for any other caliper setup. i see alot of rides with the gsxr caliper, so it must be really good is there somthin special bout'em? like longer lasting pads and more stopping power?

not too sure bout the front brakes i really dont use them on anything else i ride.
if the pipe is good what was the reason for discontinuing them?

ive been lookin at some A-arms but not really too sure how wide i wanna go, id like the front outside to align with the rear outside after the banshee axle is installed. maybe lowered a couple of inches also

with a arms with 3+ 2+ what is the second + for is that added travel over stock arms or adjustable width like some axles with spacers?

im not totally sure what im going to end up riding style wise theres no trails around here except the one you blaze yerself without gettin on private property the closest place to ride trails is over 80mi, dunes in OK. are 8 hours away:(. I was leanin more to a flat track. not the greatest with jumps kinda fly like a gimp duck and land like a gernade8-|

id like a suspension that would handle fast speed keeping all four on the floor, take a slide into a corner without the front dropping to one side, lifting the rear up alil like it does now almost buckin ya off.

i dont want to get real crazy with this ride parts wise just yet but like somthing when somone sees it asks what is that screamin lil blastard and is it fast.I:I
if the pipe is good what was the reason for discontinuing them?

ive been lookin at some A-arms but not really too sure how wide i wanna go, id like the front outside to align with the rear outside after the banshee axle is installed. maybe lowered a couple of inches also

with a arms with 3+ 2+ what is the second + for is that added travel over stock arms or adjustable width like some axles with spacers?

im not totally sure what im going to end up riding style wise theres no trails around here except the one you blaze yerself without gettin on private property the closest place to ride trails is over 80mi, dunes in OK. are 8 hours away:(. I was leanin more to a flat track. not the greatest with jumps kinda fly like a gimp duck and land like a gernade8-|

id like a suspension that would handle fast speed keeping all four on the floor, take a slide into a corner without the front dropping to one side, lifting the rear up alil like it does now almost buckin ya off.

i dont want to get real crazy with this ride parts wise just yet but like somthing when somone sees it asks what is that screamin lil blastard and is it fast.I:I

very cool mini build man I:I, + 3 +2 means 3" wider and 2" forward
That pipe is a great pipe. They discontinued the lrd pipe with the adjustable cone and went to a fixed pipe design. Been making those ever since. You can find that pipe and many other parts on Project Blaster - Online Store.

As for the swap you should only need the brake hub and she bolt up. As for the gsxr setup, I am not sure if its better or longer lasting. I currently do not have one. I have heard people say that it can lock up the rear tires alot easier than stock or say banshee hydraulic rear.
banshee hubs will directly fit on a blaster axle you dont need a banshee axel unless you reall wann do the hard work of switching them.They discontinued that design because they seam to have found a "better'' way of doing it. The fronts are just stronger and less prone to locking up and failing and with hydros they last forever I'm putting on my dad's shee hydros from a 87 shee and they still work fantastic.What my dad did for his drag shee suspension to keep it planted was fab up some 1 inch square tubing for his shocks and it sat about 2inches off the ground for his sand drags and never once wheelied it or wrecked it and he had a huge motor in it. The reason they lock up is because there are no breather holes/vents in the rotor so it'll get reall hot and eventually lock up..........
The reason they lock up is because there are no breather holes/vents in the rotor so it'll get reall hot and eventually lock up..........

usually this does not cause brakes to lock up. when the rotor overheats it glazes the pads and boils the brake fluid which causes you to have no braking power.