well i havent seen one of these and thought it would be different. So a little story to start off here. About 6 months ago i was rear ended by a tractor trailer. I was setting still he was going about 45 he pushed me and the two cars in front of me a total of 68ft. i was injured and blah blah blah. well anyways now im finally released from my doctor and want to get into shape. i figure this thread (with you guys support and help) will keep me motivated. Ill be posting work out routines i do and supplements and photos along the way to keep it interesting. I used to be into lifting alot and have quite a good knowledge on weight lifting so ill be happy to ask any questions you guys have. Now to get this started and see how it goes heres the first pick. Me day 1 mid workout.
sorry about the crappy pick i took it on my droid by myself so what can you do
sorry about the crappy pick i took it on my droid by myself so what can you do