A nice package came!


May 24, 2010
it arrived today +3stroker crank and a new piston for the bike the thing that bugs me is im going to england tomorrow until tuesday so ill be wanting to ride it so much lol i will only get it rebuilt tonight if i even get it finished before i go !
Oh and thanks for the replys :) well got it half done (got the new crank bearings in) will have to do the rest when i come back from th uk on monday ! got the bike going good though got the new crank bearings in
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just broke it in there, i wanted a break from the yfz lol ill try get the yfz done tomorrow but i doubt i will get it complete !
it's alright if it doesn't get finished tomorrow, i just want you to keep me updated on it and maybe a few pics along the way. by the way, is that a stroker crank or just a stock crank for that yfz? what all are you doing to it?
will do bro ....... +3 stroker ;) dont plan on keeping te yfz ,just got it to rebuild and sell to make money ill keep the bike for while though
will do bro ....... +3 stroker ;) dont plan on keeping te yfz ,just got it to rebuild and sell to make money ill keep the bike for while though

why sell the yfz??? after you stroke it and put the big bore on it it's going to be one mean machine, plus you'll have an option on what you want to ride. like if you get tired of the bike, don't sell it just ride the yfz for a while, alternate between them. it's a win-win situation.