320cc blaster?

I really do feel bad for the poor sucker who buys it. I'd hate to see someone get hurt over some selfish scammer. If I was close I'd throw a firebomb at his garage.
You guys making silly threats may wanna rethink posting them on an Internet site. He knows this thread is causing him some issues and if anything happens where do you think he would direct the authorities to look first. Just sayin.....
I agree he is a scammer and a fraud but sometimes stupid hurts and you can't stop everyone from making a mistake......buyer beware is all I can say, the info is at anyone's fingertips.
It appears to be meant to be an asphalt drag bike. We have several banshee customers in that part of the country that street race. And there is a lot money spent on asphalt bikes. But it looks like this add might have been meant as someone's idea for "advertising." And if this bike was something spectacular, they would have some dyno proof or some track numbers.
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But if you look at the bidders, you can see, 2 of the 3 bidders have 0 feedback.

Theyre his friends so nevermind, his buddies are still bidding it up for him
:eek: Actually just got done reading all 14 pages of this thread, guess I need a life too, :D.

Don't know how you could use a street bike piston as they use a slipper style skirt. Maybe a old 650 twin? All Bull Skirt no matter how you slice it.

Some South Florida spode is looking at it and thinking it's cool I:I
it looks like this add might have been meant as someone's idea for "advertising." And if this bike was something spectacular, they would have some dyno proof or some track numbers.

I'm starting to think the same thing dude.
If he was any kind of ebay savvy he would post a 10k buy it now and select the let it go till it's done option.
That way he could continue to advertise at a super low maintenance fee.

I was on fullthrottlecustomautos eBay page a little while back, Positive Feedback was left for the blaster, but the same guy left feedback for another item, which was a 2009 Chrysler 300 Series that supposedly sold for $8300. Smell some real fish there....

Also, fullthrottlecustomautos is no longer a registered user, pussy probably got banned or closed his account...