320cc blaster?

like mentioned , I bet the dumb-ass who buys this is gonna get it, it won't work right and he'll get blaster forum when he searches how to fix the blown up engine from trying to move them tires. I cant wait to post this link and show what their 3000+ dollars bought
Has any one call him to arrange a viewing.

321-948-9444 is the number he supplied. I would but it would cost me a fortune from Aussie.
god that guy is such a retard, he just won't admit that it's stock.

The only way it could have started off as a 250cc is if he got a hold of an old 250r kit, and to make it 330cc put the 330cc big bore kit on it.

but it's obviously a stock jug and head
"I challenge you to register on Blasterforum.com under the name "fullthrottlecustoms" and answer the queries about this bike put forward to you that you have so arrogantly dismissed.

Here is the thread: http://www.blasterforum.com/engine-mods-swaps-129/320cc-blaster-43397/

You are not sharing your technical insight by telling a person asking what jetting or what your mystery carb is. the buyer deserves to know, as if the buyer is uninformed of such things, the risk of engine failure due to ignorance is VERY likely. and legally you will be held responsible for the damage and the cost of repairs due to false advertising and withholding information requested.

by not accepting this challenge, you will be blatantly stating your deviance and making obvious that you are a fraud.

^^That'll make him sh*t his pants!!! He wont join though, He hasn't replied to my recent messages and hes ignoring me because he knows I'm right and theres no "1000cc Street Bike Piston in it". He better be ready for some payback when he gets a call from the buyer when the engine blows up, swingarm breaks and someone gets hurt....
People will try and sell anything! With all the "custom work", ya leave stock a-arms and a stock bumper. Poor poor buyer!
"I challenge you to register on Blasterforum.com under the name "fullthrottlecustoms" and answer the queries about this bike put forward to you that you have so arrogantly dismissed.

Here is the thread: http://www.blasterforum.com/engine-mods-swaps-129/320cc-blaster-43397/

You are not sharing your technical insight by telling a person asking what jetting or what your mystery carb is. the buyer deserves to know, as if the buyer is uninformed of such things, the risk of engine failure due to ignorance is VERY likely. and legally you will be held responsible for the damage and the cost of repairs due to false advertising and withholding information requested.

by not accepting this challenge, you will be blatantly stating your deviance and making obvious that you are a fraud.


Hey ya can't give out trade secrets! I bet the motor work was done by that Michigan snake oil guru!!!! and dyno tested at 300HP! HAAAAAAAA! I bet he was on here unregistered but don't really care, people like this are shady!
response: "I decline your offer as to I could care less and I have a life."

does that even make sense??? "as to i could care..." ????

well that settles it...he is a fraud!
"puts 1000cc 4stroke piston in a 2 stroke blaster, cuts the intake port bypass into the piston,shatters due to weakened piston skirt.

It is impossible to put a piston from a 1000cc four stroke into a blaster jug.

First off it would have to be at least a 77mm piston.
Add the thickness of the sleeve and you have almost no sealing surface left for the head, let alone the studs.
And then you still run the possibility of busting through the side of the jug whilst boring the case for the sleeve.
Then even if you some how manage to make it fit, you're left with a paper thin jug that will break on the first heat cycle.
And no place for the studs as you've bored through the threads to fit the sleeve,and now you can't bolt the head on.

If your anonymously reading this you scam artist, we see through your bullshit, it's just not possible.
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Ok I actually googled the phone# listed and came up with this:
Sigma J Diagnostics - Orlando, FL 32832 - Best of the Web Local

I then called the number and asked for the "diagnostic company" LOL
The guy first said you have the wrong number. I then said "sorry I just found this number for Sigma J Diagnostics and I was opening a business in need of MRI machines" then the guy says "oh yeah thats us, we had to close the location but will be back open in February so send me an email and I can start looking for the equipment you need" he gave me an email address of
info@sigmaJusa.com I asked his name and it was David. He then started asking how I got his number....LOL
I told him I just googled diagnostic equipment Orlando and he fell for it...LOL
CHeck his ebay ad, he now has a bunch of posts talking about all the emails he is getting from Blaster Forum apparently....LOL

This is a shady deal and someone is gonna get the shizz end of the stick when they drop the coin for this quad. I bet he has his friends bidding it up though.
he told me after i messaged him that he would give me my money back if it was not what it is stated, as long as it is within 3 days of auction end....
he told me after i messaged him that he would give me my money back if it was not what it is stated, as long as it is within 3 days of auction end....

8-| within three days of auction end? And how exactly would you figure out if it's not what he says it is in 3 days? Tear it apart, find out it's some stock/cobbled together junk and have him say, "nope, you took it apart, it's your now!"

I'm actually feeling a little sorry for the bidders on that thing....
it is safe to say, if a blaster could be made to 320cc, a lot of us here would do it. there is a reason we don't though, because it can't be done. the guy does not know what he is talking about. the thing has been bid to 5,100. i feel sorry for the buyer.
if someone is going to drop that much coin on this thing, i would hope they have it checked out as soon as they buy it. so it will probably be known soon enough
he replied again to me after i posted my query and his response on here. here it is "i read this email and I wonder what kind of fool you must be. Everything stated on the blaster is true and correct. Like I told another moron ealier anything added to a vehicle is considered custom wether it be store bought or hand made. Someone had to make it....... As for how we got the engine to perform that is our secret.... Just to give you an idea when you purchase a custom turbo kit for any company they will never tell you anything other than what it can work on and what to expect. So no I am not a fraud but yes I will keep my stance of not sharing........ Please do not contact me again or I will notify ebay of the situation of stalking...."

Note i did not reply to his last message. He obviously is feeling threatened. I just have to wonder, he says "As for how we got the engine to perform that is our secret" how do we even know that it performs?
and basically what he means is that the stock bumper is "custom" because someone had to make it....um... last I checked that was not the definition of custom. so all the identical yamaha factory blaster bumpers are custom! cool!!
5100 ... ending bid ... man I feel bad for that fool ...

His last message to me actually said to go f*ck myself, go ahead and report him