I got some time today, So I figured I'd give the ride review, and Blaster status.
This engine is possessed! There is power everywhere, down low, mids, up top. Where I ride, I never really can get it WOT except a few places. The Porting and Head Mod by KOR, matched up with my pipe and other mods woke it up. The Power Ken got out of this top end worked out so well for my miles of wooded trails and hills. I'm still getting used to it, and so far I'm happier than a 2 peckered Puppy at a female dog show
I ordered some new Sedona Bazooka tires as well. I really didn't find any reviews on them here, But the ones on Motorcycle superstore were really good for the most part. Once their on for a few rides, I'll throw up a review on them bad or good. Price was good, and they honestly look exactly like Razrs.
The suspension upgrades are working out great too. The ASR's, +3 swinger, and Shee axle made it more stable, the Works Front shocks, and 400ex rear really smoothed out the ride too. Its working great for where I ride at.
There is still a few loose ends to get done. The Nology coil and wire needds installed, so do the tires. I have to find some a-arm and swing arm skidplates, and I need to repack the Silencer. I'm sure I'll never stop playing with it, but that comes with the territory.