1985 honda trx200sx


New Member
Dec 10, 2008
East Stroudsburg ,PA
well i have one of these was given to me,ive been ridin in the snow,it is beat to hell,has no airbox or filter,dont even know if theres any oil in it lol,but ive beat the living sh*t out of it 4 2 days now i mean any blaster out there would be in catastrophy,it is a badass little quad.im talk 5 minute redline burnouts,the valves arent even tappin or anything.pretty strong little motor



dude i love it, looks like its in the same shape my old moto4 was....only mine didn't run and knocked like a mofo lol
they are fun about the same size as a blaster but with way less power i havent tried to pull anything yet but i think it should do just fine
change that oil and get at least some kinda filter on that carb, if ya blow it up there goes all the fun, why waste it??????