anybody want to help me with jetting? right now its at 150 main, 48 pilot, middle clip on the needle, floats at 19mm, it was 62 out today and 350 feet above sea level, and im running a br9es plug and amsoil dominator mixed at 45:1. it idled fine once i first started it and slowly rode it into my drive way then like 5 minutes later i started it idled fine then when i pull the clutch and put it in gear it just died didnt even let off the clutch just as soon as i pushed the shifter down, but then it started 1 kick and idled fine but i kept the revs up a bit before i went into 1st and it went fine untill about 1/2 thottle it gets boggy didnt get it past 1/2 thottle cause my yards small then when i stopped it and put it in neutural and it wouldnt idle so it just died with out me keeping the revs up
added the gallon of gas today, seemed to run a little better and cooler not as boggy but still smoke the same, got a video of it uploading ill post them later also more pics if anybody wants to see them still the same tho. it was a good 15 degrees cooler today so it may justve leaned it out enough to rev fine, but still it would idle fine for like 5 minutes then just die started it again and turned the airscrew out like 2 turns for the 1.5 turns it was at and it kept idleing till i turned it off. didnt want to mess with the jetting to much because it will be getting warmer soon and i dont want to rejet again.
CT racing recommended on my Keihin 36mm PWK to start with a 160 main jet, 55 pilot, middle clip position, with the air screw 1 1/4 turned out... Last time i was riding my blaster i had a 155 main jet, 55 pilot, middle clip position, and it had low compression and a vacuum leak.. and i think because of my vacuum leak no matter what i did to air screw it did not make a difference..
Where is your air screw at???? The preferred setting window for the air screw is between 1 and 2 turns out. If the engine idles at its highest RPM from 0-1 turns out this means the pilot setting is on the lean side and a larger pilot jet should be installed. If the engine idles at its highest RPM at over 2 turns out, this means the pilot setting is on the rich side and a smaller pilot jet should be installed..